Computer History

  • First Freely Programmble Computer

    First Freely Programmble Computer
    This event is important since it's in a way the start of a technological evolution.
  • Douglas Engelbart theorises on interactive computing with keyboard and screen display instead of on punchcards

    Douglas Engelbart theorises on interactive computing with keyboard and screen display instead of on punchcards
    This is important to computer technology since computers would be completely different machines if someone would have thought of the idea of a keyboard
  • Paul Baran theorises on the "survivability of communication systems under nuclear attack", digital technology and symbiosis between humans and machines

    Paul Baran theorises on the "survivability of communication systems under nuclear attack", digital technology and symbiosis between humans and machines
    I would say that this event is important because Baran persay was the first person to have negative views on gaining more and more technology. I would say he influenced people during that time period to not start trusting machines 100% of the time.
  • General Motors puts the first industrial robot, Unimate, to work in a New Jersey factory.

    General Motors puts the first industrial robot, Unimate, to work in a New Jersey factory.
    This event is signficant because it was like a first trial of what technology could possibly produce. Also to test out whether or not humans could actually create somethin like this
  • The first computer game Spacewar Computer Game invented BY Steve Russell & MIT

    The first computer game Spacewar Computer Game invented BY Steve Russell & MIT
    This was an example of how technology didn't necessarily always mean business but could be used for recreation for many age groups.
  • E-mail was invented by Ray Tomlinson

    E-mail was invented by  Ray Tomlinson
    Without E-mail I doubt we would have as much global interaction with each other as we do now.
  • Atari releases Pong, the first commercial video game

    Atari releases Pong, the first commercial video game
    Whether we like the concept or not video games have affected the world by creating a way of social interaction and brining people with similar interests together in a sense
  • Altair produces the first portable computer

    Altair produces the first portable computer
    Before this event, you could only use a computer at a desk or library but now you can take in whenever and wherever you want. Making it easier and smaller to handle
  • Apple Computers was founded Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs

    Apple Computers was founded Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs
    Well where would the world be without Apple products? But on a serious note, apple is one of the largest technology companies out there, coming up with usefuls products for large population.
  • Google is founded by Sergey Brin and Larry Page on September 7, 1998

     Google is founded by Sergey Brin and Larry Page on September 7, 1998
    Google is the largest search engine around the world meaning without it, we in general wouldn't have as much access to information like we do now.