Computer History

  • First Computer Game

    First Computer Game
    Thr Spacewar Computer Game was invented. I chose to include his because so many people play games on computers today.
  • Computer Mouse Invented

    Computer Mouse Invented
    The first computer mouse was invented in 1962. All desktop computers use mouses today, so I included this event.
  • RAM is Invented

    RAM is Invented
    I chose this event becuase RAM is a very important part of computers, and without them our computers today wouldn't be liek they are.
  • Apple is Founded

    Apple is Founded
    Apple was founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniack. I included this because Apple is very important in today's computers.
  • Microsoft

    Microsoft was invented. Microsoft really started off a lot of computer use and was very famous, so I included it.
  • Apple Introduces the Macinstosh

    Apple Introduces the Macinstosh
    Since we use Macintoshs in school, I included this event.
  • World Wide Web is Launched

    World Wide Web is Launched
    Since using the world wide web is a huge portion of what we do on our computers, I wanted to include when it was made public.
  • Yahoo is Invented

    Yahoo is Invented
    I use Yahoo for e-mail, so I put it in to know when it was invened.
  • Xbox Intoduced

    Xbox Intoduced
    Bill Gates introduced the Xbox. I included this becasue Xboxes are very popular today.
  • 1 Billion PCs Sold

    1 Billion PCs Sold
    I put this in because since then the whole world is very digital, and this was the begining of that change.