Communications degrees 480x280


  • 100

    Cave Paintings

    Prior to 3500BC, communication was carried out through paintings of indigenous tribes.
  • 105


    Tsai Lun invents Paper
  • Morse Code

    Samuel Morse developed Morse code, and later builds the first long-distance electric telegraph line.
  • Telephone

    Almon Strowger patents the direct dial telephone.
  • Radio

    Radio station KDKA based in Pittsburgh began the first broadcast.
  • TV

    John Logie Baird transmits the first television signal.
  • Photocopier

    Chester Carlson presents the first photocopier suitable for office use.
  • Computers

    The personal computer (PC) market is born
  • iTunes

    Apple launches the iTunes Music Store and sells one million songs in its first week.
  • MySpace

    MySpace is launched.
  • Facebook

    What would become the largest social networking site in the world, Facebook is launched.
  • YouTube

    YouTube, the video sharing site, is launched.
  • Twitter

    Twitter, microblogging