College essay timeline

  • Is it Wrong to Draw?

    Is it Wrong to Draw?
    My fifth grade teacher, Mrs. Dessi, yelled at me for doodling on my papers which included: school work, homework, and tests. She warned me that if I doodled on my next test, I would get a zero on it.
    The threat didn't stop me, I still doodle on my papers, it became a way for me to learn. Although it looked like I wasn't paying attention, I understood what was being taught and my grades reflected it.
    My "doodles" became one of my favorite styles of art.
  • 2nd Degree Black Belt

    2nd Degree Black Belt
    The day started with my sister surprising me with her being there because I was under the impression she was still 8 hrs away at college.
    After six years of training I received my 2nd black belt. In order to pass I had to go through all the techniques I learned as a black belt and I had to grapple for 10 minutes. I had many people come up to me afterwards congratulating and telling me I deserved it. At that point I felt like I could accomplish anything.
  • Art Account

    Art Account
    I realized that after posting this piece on my instagram, I should make a separate instagram for my art. My first account was @owls_artistic , I really didn't know what to do. It was going well until I stopped posting for a while and the account went downhill. Just recently I made a new one: and it is doing much better. I'm keeping up with it. It's not famous at all, but it gives me a way to share my art with the world
  • Accepted to NYSSSA

    Accepted to NYSSSA
    I had just gotten home from the 8th grade D.C. trip; my parents gave me a large opened* envelope, there was only a couple pieces of paper in it, and my parents said to to feel "too up set"
    Forget what they said, I was accepted at age 14. I got into the New York State Summer School of the Arts, it's a month long program at SUNY Fredonia. I had to submit a portfolio and everything, I was one of 80 students from all over New York who attended.
    *my parents removed the rest of the info papers
  • Self-portrait?

    In the beginning of sophomore year, in art we were assigned to do a self-portrait. I didn't take it seriously; I used a photo as a reference, because it was the beginning of the year. At the time I didn't realize it but my art teacher Mrs. Levine then gave us the same assignment at the end of the school year, this time I took it seriously and this time I did it from life, the outcome doesn't look anything like me but I was able to see how much I had improved over the year.
  • A Dress?

    A Dress?
    The first time I have ever constructed a dress. It was a complete mess and a complete fail. I only had 3 weeks to complete it and I had no pattern. I had to hand sew the whole thing because the dress was too thick to fit under a sewing machine. I honestly have no idea how I got it done; and because of the way I constructed it, I can never wear it again.
  • First Day of Track

    First Day of Track
    I decided to join track junior year, I figured I could handle it. The first day was the most intense workout I've ever had; but we didn't even do that much. I felt so sick to my stomach, my lungs felt like a wheeze toy, yet there was still an 60 mins left. It was really embarrassing for me because I had always felt like I was in shape. I was so wrong, I joined so I could get in shape for my next degree test, I didn't expect to enjoy it nor did I expect to miss it when it was over.
  • Memory Project

    Memory Project
    All the other times in N.A.H.S. when it was time to do the Memory Project, I was scared. I was scared because I wasn't able to do portraits well and I was afraid I would offend the child. This year though, I decided to get over myself and do it, it went better than expected...
    P.S The Memory Project is when you choose a photo of an orphan from a preselected country (this year: Tanzania) and in doing so, you adopt the task of drawing the child you've chosen; and after, it gets sent back to them.
  • Sewing

    This year I took my first sewing class. I taught myself how to hand sew but I didn't know how to sew on a sewing machine. I knew I needed to take lessons because it is required for the F.I.T. portfolio to have two garments. This was my first dress made using a commercial pattern.
  • Part of the Play

    Part of the Play
    2 weeks before opening night, Erin Clark approached me, panicked about a lack of artwork. She told me that the play was in need of one more painting for the set and asked me if I could do it. It was needed for the next day. I told her I would; because for some reason I saw it as a personal challenge. I wanted to see if I could complete a painting in one night. She handed me a piece of plywood as a replacement of canvas, and thanked me for helping
    I finished the piece in time, it took me 6 hrs.
  • Fashion design

    Fashion design
    On my last day of my fashion design class at F.I.T. my teacher instructed us to create the most hideous design you could think of. "Guy Ferri flames" was the first thing that popped into my head, I went from there. She then told us to create a nice outfit using your horrible one as reference.
    When we looked them over she didn't call any of them ugly and specifically, she pointed mine out as a design for a costume. That's when I realized costume design was a possible profession in the future.
  • Mary Poppins Silhouette

    Mary Poppins Silhouette
    Under the direction of my friend Beth, I was able to complete Mary Poppins' silhouette on the windows of the high school in time for the opening show of the musical. I had to measure the size of the windows, create cut outs of the windows as a template in order draw the picture; then I cut out my drawing and had to tape the negative up onto the windows so I could fill it in with paint.
    In total it took 17 hrs to complete.
  • Hamilton

    For my 17th birthday my mom got me tickets to see Hamilton, I was able to bring Gaby, one of my best friends. She's the one who got me into Hamilton and she's the one to blame for my obsession of the play. This is the first broadway musical that I can actually fully remember and it was one of the best days of my life.
  • Failed Portfolio

    Failed Portfolio
    A month before it was due, I was nicely "told" that the breadth part of my portfolio wasn't "good" enough. So I had to remake 12 art pieces in one month. I ended up making half of those and using pervious artwork for the rest. I wasn't proud of what I submitted, but at least it was done.
    Now I know how to approach this year's AP portfolio and to make sure I stay on top of my work.
  • PROM!

    I did my best friend's (Gaby, left) hair and makeup for junior prom, I was really happy when one of my senior friends, Lindsey, asked me to do her makeup as well. I had the SAT that day as well, so I was really crunched with time. She was able to get to prom on time, and she was really happy with the way I did her make up.
  • N.A.H.S Mural

    N.A.H.S Mural
    From 06/05 - 06/21 I worked on a mural for JFK that had the theme of the 4 C's; communication, collaboration, creativity, and community.
    I designed and painted the piece for National Art Honor Society; in total, I worked on the mural for about 56 hrs. Some fine details still need to be smoothed out and added, but for now it's okay.
  • Oil Painter

    Oil Painter
    While at NYSSSA for the fourth time, I retook an oil painting class from last year. I improved greatly. I only had twelve colors and the paint took forever to dry, I had figure out how to mix the correct colors while keeping everything proportional. I ended up forming a love/ hate relationship with oil paint.
  • 5 to 1

    5 to 1
    Because it was my fourth year at NYSSSA, I was asked to speak at the closing ceremony. This year was a lot different than previous years because of changes like rules and counselor staff; it was really hard to enjoy. I didn't know how to fit four years into 2 minutes, it was a frustrating task to complete.
    I have five different versions of the speech; I ended up speaking about the people of the program, the speech was five minutes long, but nobody cared. Instead I got a standing ovation.
  • Quilt

    Over the course of two weeks I did nothing but cut, dye, pin and sew. It took forever and I slaved over a sewing machine for 2 1/2- 5 1/2 hrs a day. It was a relief when I finally finished my quilt. I came down to the final minutes of the last class of the program (NYSSSA). The one night that i was able to use the quilt as I slept was the best night of sleep I had gotten in months. Like all my hard work payed off.