cold war timeline project

By jtos
  • berlin airlift

    berlin airlift
    soviet union blocked the western allys railway and road
  • creation of nato

    creation of nato
    a government military alliance with U.S and some of Europe
    (north atlantic treaty organization)
  • creation of the warsaw pact

    creation of the warsaw pact
    a collective peace treaty among soviet union states
  • sputnik

    1st artificial satellite made in soviet union
  • construction of the berlin wall

    construction of the berlin wall
    it was a wall that was put up overnight to keep people in east germans
  • cuban missile crisis

    cuban missile crisis
    U.S and soviet union came close to a nuclear war
  • moon landing

    moon landing
    apollo first manned mission to the moon
  • destruction of berlin wal

    destruction of berlin wal
    people of the gdr were allowed to cross the border in berlin