Cold War Timeline

  • Chinese Civil War

    Civil War between nationalists and communists. A military struggle between two competing groups for control of chinese government.
  • Berlin Blockade

    The first heightening of Cold War tensions, when the soviets imposed a full blockade of Berlin. Soviets cut all surface traffic to West Berlin.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Air Campaign that Harry Truman passed for the United States to begin supplying West Berlin by air, carrying over 2 million tons of supplies in 270,000 flights.
  • Formation of NATO

    Formed with the signing of the Washington treaty. NATO is a security alliance of 28 countries from North America and Europe. NATO's goal is to safeguard the allies freedom and security by political and military means.
  • National Security Council Report

    A 58-page top secret policy paper issued by the United States. Written for United States National security.
  • Korean War

    A war between South Korea and North Korea. It was the result of the political divison of Korea by an agreement of the victorious allies at the conclusion of the Pacific War.
  • President Truman fires General MacArthur

    MacArthur argued for a policy of pushing into North Korea to completely defeat the communist forces. Problems with the General MacArthur had been brewing for months.The firing of MacArthur set off a brief uproar among the American public, but Truman remained committed to keeping the conflict in Korea a "limited war."
  • Formation of the Warsaw pact

    The political and military alliance of the Soviet Union and east European socialist states. Known as a counterweight to the NATO.