Cold War Timeline

  • HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee)

    Committee responsible for rooting out communists in American Government and Society
  • Period: to

    Berlin Blockade

    Soviet attempt to starve west Berlin, led to Berlin Airlift
  • NATO

    Military alliance by western nations to defence against communist
  • Race for H-Bomb

    Nuclear arm race between USA & USSR for their advantages
  • Period: to

    Warsaw Pact

    Military alliance by eastern against western nations
  • Period: to

    Bay of Pigs Invasion

    Cuban exile’s rebellion supported by CIA to overthrow Fidel Castro in April 1961
  • Period: to

    Berlin Wall

    Divide Berlin to west and east to prevent citizen escape to west from east, built by East Germany
  • Period: to

    Cuban Missile Crisis

    Crisis by USSR attempt to deploy nuclear missile in Cuba
  • Election of Reagan

    The turning point of the Cold War to end the Cold War
  • Fall of Berlin Wall

    Removal of wall between East & West, symbol of End of Cold War