Cold War Timeline

  • Hollywood 10

    10 film industry members who refused to testify at an anticommunist committee hearing during the second red scare era.
  • United Nations formed

    The UN is a program that works to maintain international peace and security by giving aid to those in need and by protecting human rights and laws.
  • Truman Doctrine

    The United States would help other nations that needed it to avoid attacks of communism. Assisting other democratic nations.
  • Marshall plan

    The Marshall Plan was focused on aid for the European countries that had been destroyed as a result of the war and was laid out by the US secretary at the time
  • Nato Formed

    Nato is a group of people from 32 countries from north America and Europe that protect the people and territories of its members. Some of the founding countries include Belgium, Canada, denmark, France iceland Italy, Luxembourg etc.
  • Korean war

    North korea invaded south korea trying to take over and make the south a communist country rather than a democracy
  • Space race

    race between arms of the soviets and the US to see who could enhance their military and create the strongest arm force
  • U.S. official enters Vietnam War

    President Eisenhower deploys the military assistance advisory group to train the army of vietnam republic.
  • Bay of pigs

    invasion of Cuba at the bay of pigs on the southern west coast by some 1,500 cuban exiles opposed to fidel castro
  • Berlin Wall goes up

    The was was built to prevent people from escaping to the west from east berlin the wall went from east germany to west germany
  • Soviets invade afghanistan

    The invasion was caused by the fighting and coups within the government. The attack also took place because of the newly bolstered communist regime.
  • Berlin wall comes down

    Political changes in Eastern Europe and civil unrest in Germany allowed for some regulations to be loosened and allowed trave to the west