Cold War TImeLine

  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    After the Berlin Wall was built the people in East Berlin were unable to receive necessary suplies. To help them other countries provided them with these suplies through the air, sometimes they would take people out of berlin
  • The Korean War

    The Korean War
    Korea had been seperated into the north controlled by russia/china and the south controlled by the U.S. After the north invaded the south the U.S provided military support to the south after a few years an armstice was made and the borders remained relatively the same
  • Open Skies Treaty

    Open Skies Treaty
    President Eisenhower proposed a plan were either side could fly over the other and gain info. The Soviets rejected this idea.
  • The Vietnam War

    The Vietnam War
    Vietnam had been seperated into Communist North VIetnam and democratic South VIetnam. North VIetnam began to invade the south, who had the support of the U.S. After the U.S removed their support the south was defeated
  • Fidel Takes Control

    Fidel Takes Control
    Before 1959 Cuba was a dictatorship. In 1959 a group of rebels led by Fidel Castro overthrew the dictator and made the government Communist
  • U-2 Event

    U-2 Event
    The Soviets shot down a U.S U-2 plane and made the flight an aggressive act. The U.S didn't beleive that the pilots mission was to collect Soviet information.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    The U.S trained troops in Cuba to eliminate Castro. They failed to kill them and it's now a major embaressment for the U.S
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Cuban Missle Crisis
    The Soviet Union had nuclear missle on Cuba and the U.S felt threatened. After negotiations the missles were removed from Cuba. This was the closest the world had come to nuclear war.
  • SALT

    This was agrrement made between the Soivet leaders and president Nixon. SALT limited the number of nuclear warheads either side could have.
  • Destuction of Berlin Wall

    Destuction of Berlin Wall
    The Berlin Wall had trapped many East Germans and isolated them from the rest of Germany. In 1989 the wall was torn down, this became an important symbol of the Cold War