Cold war

Cold War Timeline

  • WW2 Begins

    WW2 Begins
    Hitler invaded Polland. The pollish were defeated, marking this day the beging of WW2.
  • WW2 ends

    WW2 ends
    The U.S ends its war with japan by dropping a nuclear bomb. The Soviet Union siezes Berlin, resolving issues being caused by Germany, weakening them. these events did not exactly take place on this day, but this day was the end of WW2.
  • Soviets fighting currency

    Soviets fighting currency
    Stanlin, A Soviet leader sets up a the Berlin Wall blocking roads, trade routes, and people from traveling in order to fight currency standard being made by Britan and the U.S. On May 12 1949 he removed the blockade.
  • U.S slowing communism

    U.S slowing communism
    North Korea invasded South Korea. Te U.S got involved and pushed the battle between the 38th parrallel. winning this first battle slowed the spread of the Soviets communism.
  • U,S spy plane attacked

    U,S spy plane attacked
    On this day the Soviets shot down a U,s spy plane, going against a treaty all military projects could be monitored by other nations militaries.
  • Cuba developing missiles

    Cuba developing missiles
    U.S U2 spyplanes come across missiles in Cuba. Raising the U.S's curiosity towards Cuba.
  • missile crisis resolved

    missile crisis resolved
    After two weeks Krushchev annouced he was withdwarling the missiles. Missle crisis resolved,
  • U.S Leaving Vietnam

    U.S Leaving Vietnam
    vietnam sought to reunited, but was spreading commusism. in favor of the Truman Doctrine and opposing communism the U.S fought in vietnam. the last american soilder left on the day of April 30th 1975.

    Soviets trained and lead Afghanistan troops. involving themselves with the Afghanistan troops because of their good resources, supporting the side the U.S was supporting.
  • Berlin Wall Falls

    Berlin Wall Falls
    Word spread people were able to pass through the Berlin Wall, soilders stepped aside and let people go. Eventually the wall no longrer severed its pirpose and came down. Tis marked the end of the cold war.