cold war timeline

  • the yalta

    this is were the big three had the yalta conference. and agreed what will happen to berlin
  • end of wwII

    Japan has surrendered. and germany has lost the war for a 2nd time
  • winston church iron curtian speech

    winston church gives his speech about the iron curtian. his speech was about to counter communism
  • Korea War

    the war between North and South Korea began. the fight was between communism and independence
  • KGB Formed

    they were an S.U agent. they were used to arrest spy's and traitors
  • take over of cuba

    Cuba was taken over by fidel castro. he had taken over and a missle crisis began because of it.
  • Bay of Pigs

    it showed how much americans didnt trust Castro. the failed invasion begun the missle crisis
  • berlin wall falls

    the berlin wall was taken down. which ment the end of the cold war.
  • The Cold War Ends

    The S.U falled down. the looming nuclear war has ended