Cold war flags

Cold War Timeline

By Chide
  • End Of WWII

    End Of WWII
    -World War Two ends and relationships between the US and USSR are very tense due to differing views and aims
    -The US hopes to re construct Germany while USSR wants to keep Germany down and create a buffer zone between Germany and itself
    -The US is a capitalist democracy that allows free speech
    -USSR is a totalitarian communist state with state control of everything
  • Period: to

    The Cold War

  • The Iron Curtain

    The Iron Curtain
    -A symbolic divide across Europe known as the Iron Curtain descends across Europe

    -The Iron Curtain divides the countries of the West influenced by the US and capitalism, from the countries of the east who are influenced by the USSR and comunism
    -Both sides of the Iron Curtain are completely isolated from the other sides, and have no interaction with the other side
    -USSR wanted to isolate itself from the influence of the US and capitalism
  • The Truman Doctrine and US Policy of Containment

    The Truman Doctrine and US Policy of Containment
    -President Truman wanted to aid Turkey and Greece in order to help stop spread of communism
    -US hoped to contain communism by aiding countires resisting communism
    -Some said that the US didn't have the resources to aid nations against communish, while some said aid would go to dictators
    -Congress aproved over 400 million dollars in aid to Turkey and Greece
  • The Marshall Plan

    The Marshall Plan
    -Most of Western Europe was in turmoil after WWII
    -Soviets seized power in Czechosolovakia
    -US congress aproves Marshall Plan to give aid to Western European nations in order to help them resist communism after what had happened in Czechosolovakia
  • The Berlin Airlift

    The Berlin Airlift
    -In 1948 France, GB, and the US withdrew troops from Gemrnay hoping to allow Germany to reunite into one country
    -The Soviets hoped to keep Germany weak to protect itself from any future German attacks and the Soviets didn't want Germany to be reunited
    -The Soviet Union blocaded Western Berlin and cut off all supplies to it hoping to scare the West into giving up its hope of unifying Germany
    -Western naitons flew supplies into Western Berlin for 11 months
    -Soviets admmited defeat, lifted blocade
  • NATO and The Warsaw Pact

    NATO and The Warsaw Pact
    -The US and Canada formed a deffensive alliance with ten Western European countries, called NATO
    -They did this out of fear of Soviet agression after the Berlin blocade
    -Members of NATO swore to protect any member nation who was attacked
    -In response to the threat posed by NATO, the Soviet Union created an alliance with Eastern European Countries known as the Warsaw Pact
  • Communists Seize Power In China

    Communists Seize Power In China
    -In the spring of 1949 the communist party in China began to seize power from the nationalist party, who was backed by the US
    -The US hoped to keep communism from spreading in China by backing the nationalists
    -The communists party was led by Mao Zedong who hoped to create an equal society
    -Communists in China allied with the Soviets for a period of time, but tension caused the two countires to stop being allies
    -Under Mao the Chineese lived in farming communes, economy made great leap forward
  • The Arms Race

    The Arms Race
    -The US and Soviets built up huge stockpiles of nuclear weapons and planes in order to prepare for any nuclear war the US may face
    -In 1950 the US began to develope a Hydrogen bomb, thousands of times more powerful than the atomic bomb, that could be used against the Soviets
    -Both countries often went to the edge of war, and both countries required a large stockpile of nuclear weapons in order to handle any war they may enter -In 1952 the US sucesfully detonated a hydrogen bomb
  • Korean War Begins

    Korean War Begins
    -At end of WWII Korea was divided between along the 38th parallel between the communist North and capitalist South
    -Supported by the soviets who were trying to support communism, North Korea invaded the South
    -In order to prevent the spread of communism the US appealed the UN to send troops in
    -The UN sent troops into Korea in and pushed N. Korean troops back to almost the Chineese border
    -Feeling threatened by US troops, China sent hundereds of thousands of troops into Korea to support N. Korea
  • End of Korean War

    End of Korean War
    -The UN and N. Korea signed a cease fire ending the war
    -The border between the two countries is about the same as before the war
    -4 million civillians and soldiers were killed
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Cuban Missle Crisis
    -In 1959 Fidel Castro led a revolution in Cuba that put communists in control
    -In order to remove communist influence from Cuba, the US trained cubans to invade and rebel in Cuba but these rebels failed in their attempt
    -The Soviet Union allied with Cuba and began to build 42 missle launch sites in Cuba to threaten the US
    -The US threatned to invade Cuba in order to protect itself, and the US got Cuba to remove the launch sites
  • Destruction of Berlin Wall

    Destruction of Berlin Wall
    -The Berlin Wall is destoyed, reuniting the people of Berlin
    -The leader of East Germany opened up travel between Eastern and Western Germany in an attempt to restore stability, this didn't work
    -President Ronald Regan of the US demanded for the communists to tear down the Berlin Wall and restore unity
  • Fall of The Soviet Union

    Fall of The Soviet Union
    -A coup leads to the dissolution of the Soviet Union
    -All the countries under the control of the Soviet Union pull out and declare independance
    -The president of the Soviet Union resigns and the Soviet Union ceases to exist