classical period and trade

  • Period: 1000 BCE to 300 BCE


    Kaveripattanam was the capital and major port city of the early Chola kings of the Tamil state.
  • Period: 1000 BCE to 300 BCE

    Classical Era

    The Classical Era was from 1000-300 B.C.E.-
    Historians think that long-distance trade from Egypt and Mesopotamia may have declined
    around 1000 BCE. During the second half of the millennium, trade expanded among new groups of people. Several strong states existed at this time, including the
    Mauryan Empire (323-185 BCE) of India, the Persian Empire, the Roman Empire in Europe,
    and the Han Dynasty in China.
  • Period: 1000 BCE to 1 BCE


    The Phoenicians dominated trade and travel during the first millennium BCE. They also specialized in making glass products. The Phoenicians imported and exported items like wine, olives and olive oil, wheat, spices, metals, honey, and cedarwood.
  • 750 BCE


    Persians migrate to Iran from Asia
  • 700 BCE

    Indigo Plant

    The indigo plant was a valuable plant found in documents as early as the 7th century BCE, in Babylon, and later also mentioned in Greek, and Roman sources. Chinese silks were also dyed with indigo during this period.
  • 600 BCE

    Trade Networks

    Three large trade networks developed between 600 BCE and 600 CE: the Silk Road, the Indian Ocean trade, and the Saharan trade.
  • Period: 600 BCE to 600

    Dhows and Lateen sails

    Dhows and Lateen sails along with knowledge of Monsoon winds allowed long-distance trading. From the western Mediterranean to the South China Sea carried goods of one civilized core to be exchanged with the other.
  • Period: 600 BCE to 300 BCE

    Religion Spreads

    Between 600 and 300 BCE, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism spread across the Bay of Bengal to Southeast Asia.
  • 500 BCE

    Greek and Roman sailors and traders

    Greek and Roman sailors and traders entered the Indian Ocean after 500 BCE, sent there by the Persian ruler Darius I. They traded ceramics, gold, olive oil, and wine
  • Period: 431 BCE to 404 BCE

    Peloponesian War

    The Peloponnesian War was where Athens and Sparta fought over rival claims to a colonial city-state. During the 2nd year of this war, a massive plague called the Athenian Plague broke out. This attempt to invade Sicily cost Athens more than 200 ships, 4500 men and many trading allies.
  • Period: 200 BCE to 500

    Angkor Borei and Oc Eo

    Funan's ships controlled trade between China and India, and dominated territory across the Indochinese peninsula. The cities of Funan also transferred trade goods from the Indian Ocean and South China Sea ports into inland trade routes.
  • Period: 321 to 185

    Period of Mauryan Rule

    During the period of Mauryan Rule, there was a great expansion in trade between main centers of civilization in Eurasia and Africa.
  • 400

    Isthmus of Kra

    The Isthmus of Kra is a narrow strip of land that connects the Malay Peninsula to the continent of Asia. As early as the fourth century BCE, traders from India reached the rest of Southeast Asia by crossing the Isthmus of Kra, rather than making them longer and more difficult journey around the entire Malay Peninsula.
  • Period: 700 to 100


    Aksum inked to the Red Sea and Indian Ocean trade networks by its port city of Adulis, Aksum controlled the profitable African gold and ivory trade. It exported gold, gems, spices, incense, and ivory to Greece, India, Sri Lanka, and Persia.
  • Period: 751 to 666


    For a short period, from 751 b.c.e. until the invasion of Egypt by the Assyrians in 666 b.c.e., the kings of Meroë also ruled as pharaohs of Egypt. Meroë had the mineral ores and fuels needed to produce iron on a large scale. That technology, and its extensive trade with Egypt and the Mediterranean, allowed Meroë to flourish.