Post-Classic Mesoamerica

  • Period: Jan 1, 900 to

    Post-Classic Mesoamerica

  • Jan 1, 960

    Toltec finds Capital of Tula

    Toltecs have established a capitala at Tula, and they feel pushed around by Cholula
  • Jan 1, 987

    Topiltson leaves Tula

    Topiltson leaves Tula with his followers and heads to Southeast Mexico
  • Jan 1, 987

    Cholula controls Valley of Mexico

    At this point in time, Cholula controls much of the Valley of Mexico as well as the Valley of Puebla
  • Jan 1, 1156

    Toltecs are defeated

  • Jan 1, 1162

    Last emporer of Central Mexico dies

  • Jan 1, 1400

    Chichimegas have control of Central Mexico

  • Jan 1, 1409

    Tlatecatzin dies

    The author, Tlaltecatzin lived between 1,357 and 1,409 C.E. and resided in the Chichimec dominions of Texcoco at a time when Texcoco was becoming the center of culture and wisdom. He was called a "composer of songs." This is the only known song of Tlaltecatzin; it shows the
    "I come to guard the mountain,
    somewhere is its story;
    with flowers is painted
    The Giver of life, the community.
    You have been left in your home,
    you, Tlaltecatzin,
    you suspire there, you speak."