Civil Rights Timeline

  • Rosa Parks was Arrested

    Rosa Parks was Arrested
    In 1955 rosa parks was arreseted because, she was not willing to give up her set on a bus. She was the one who started the bus boycott act.
  • Montgomery bus boycott

    Montgomery bus boycott
    Planned a boycott for 1 day that all the colors didn’t not ride the bus. The boycott continued for a whole year. This resulted in desegregation of busses
    1955 – 1956 December to December
  • Governor Farbus of Arkansas brings in National Guard to prevent black students from going into a white school.

    Students became known as little rock 9. 90 kids that where african american that had to go to a all white school. President Eisenhower ordered military to enforce desegregation. To stand at the doors of the school and not let the kids in. Demonstrations resistance of equality
  • Sit in at Woolworth's lunch counter

    A group of Black students sat at a white only persons table. This was a peaceful demonstration. Resulted in desegregation of lunch counters. this movment made it possible that blacks and whites can sit next to eachother. day after day mroe and more kids atarting sitting next to eachother not caring about there color.
  • Freedom riders bus burned

    Freedom riders bus burned
    Groups of whites and blacks rode busses together through segregated south.Trained in nonviolence.There demonstrations were attacked some beaten some killed
  • Lyndon B. Johnson becomes President

    Johnson advocated for funding for education programs that helped the poor such as food stamps. During Johnson’s presidency the number of people living below the poverty line decreased form 25% to 12%. He also passed the civil rights bill and votings rights act. He also rapitly Increased involvement in Vietnam.
  • Martin Luther King writes letters from Birmingham jail

    Martin Luther King wrote letter Directed at Christian faith that discrimination is non Christian. In thoese letters he argues for loving each other and equality over violence.
  • The Other America written by Michael Harrington

    Michael Harrington wrote a book called the other America,. Whitch explained the real experience of 25% of the people living in poverty. Book influenced JFK and LBJ with their fight against ending poverty.
  • "I have a dream" speech given by Martin Luther King

    This speech points out continued in equality and painted the picture of what a good society can look like. Argued for civil and economic equality. MAde a big impact on the world.
  • March on Washington

    The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom took place in Washingtonon. Attended by some 250,000 people, it was the largest demonstration ever seen in the nation's capital, and one of the first to have extensive television coverage.
  • John F. Kennedy assasinated

    He was shot while riding in the back of a car during a presidential motorcade. Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested for murder but he was killed by jack ruby before he could stand trial. This event struck the world hand a lot like 9 11.
  • 24th amendment passed

    Several states in south used poll taxes in order to keep African Americans from voting. This made poll taxes illegal. This bill was introduced under john f. Kennedy but, Lyndon b Johnson was the one wo passed it.
  • Civil Rights bill passed

    Outlaws major formed a discrimination against races and women. This bill ended segregation in schools. Signed into the law by Lyndon B. J.
  • Voting rights act 1965

    15th amendment guaranteed right to vote for all races. But, there was still a debate over who should be allowed to vote.
  • Malcom x dies

    He was a militant Black Muslim leader. Advocated for separate black states “Whites will always be racist”.Malcome believer that the balcks should own there very own state. But, he was assassinated by a Muslim but who was really behind it is very unknown.
  • Watts riots

    California faced housing shortages because, racist home ownership laws. LAPD was very racist and they abused their power. A 6 day riot resulted in 34 deaths 3,000 arrests and 1,000 injures.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. assasinated

    On the day before his assassination he gave a famous speech predicting his own death
    Was killed while standing on a balcony of a hotel by James earl ray
    The motive for the murder is unaware
    MLK got a noble peace prize for trying to end the Vietnam War
  • Forced busing begins

    Supreme Court ruled that segregated schools were unconstitutional. They forced to pick up blacks and whites and take them to other schools. Blacks went to white schools and whites whent to blacks.