
Civil Rights Movements

  • Brown versus Board of Education

    Brown versus Board of Education
    This was a court case that overturned Plessy vs Ferguson. The arguement from Linda Brown, Earl Warren, and the NAACP was that segregated schools were unconstitutional. The Supreme Court agreed witht them, and schools would start to be integrated. Linda Brown, Earl Warren, the NAACP, and the Supreme Court was involved. Positives that came out of this was that the govt. saw segregation was wrong. A negatvie was that whites in Southern states did not agree and protested the desicion.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man. She was later arrested for civil disobedience. This led to the boycott, when blacks refused to ride the buses and instead walked to where they had to go. The people involved were Rosa Parks, the bus driver, and blacks everywhere. Positive: in a year bus segregation was considered illegal. Negative: For a year blacks had to walk everywhere.
  • Event at Central High School

    Event at Central High School
    Nine students in the Little Rock area wanted to go to a white school. However, the Alabama govenor got the national gaurd to block the way for the blacks to enter the school. President Eisenhower however made Central High School let them go to the school. Eisenhower, the National Guard, Central High School, nine black students, and The Alabama govt. were involved. A postivie that came out of this event shows that the presidentsupports civil rights. A negative would be that whites would protest.
  • Freedom Ride

    Freedom Ride
    Civil Rights activists got on two buses on route from Washington D.C. to New Orleans. To protest, the black activists defied the bus segregation rules for seating and even used the white bathroom. This protest turned deadly, however when whites mobbed the blacks and bombed one of the buses. Black and white people were involved. A postive of this even was that Kennedy took action and then desgregated transportation. A negative were that blacks were killed and arrested.
  • James Meredith and "Ole Miss"

    James Meredith and "Ole Miss"
    James Meredith, a black, wanted to attend the University of Mississippi. However, Mississippi govenor Ross Barnett, however, did not want the college to desegregate. The federal court decided that "Ole Miss" had to desegregate. James Meredith, Ross Barnett, the NAACP, and Medgar Evers were involved. A postivite that came out of this event was that desegregation of schools was working. A negative that occured was that riots occured after the ruling, and Meredith was shot.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    200,000 African Americans went to the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. to protest civil rights. This is where the famous "I Have a Dream" speech by Martin Luther King, Jr, occured. Martin Luther King Jr, a crowd of African Americans, and many other civil rights leaders were involved. A positive of this event was a historical speech and a powerful protest was made. No negative occured in this event.
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965 and 24th Amendment

    Voting Rights Act of 1965 and 24th Amendment
    Voting Rights Act banned literacy tests aand impowered the federal government to oversee voting registration in elections and states that discriminated against minorities. The 24th amendment banned the poll tax. Positive was that poor African Americans could vote. There were no negatives. Involved were President Lyndon B. Johnson and congess.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    Lyndon B. Johnson and congress passed a law that banned segregation in public accomodations, and desgregated schools. It also allowed the justice department to prosecute individuals who violated people's civil rights. Outlawed discrimination in employment. A postivie was it established the EEOC and was also a big advancement for blacks. A negative was whites argued it was reverse discrimination.
  • March on Selma

    March on Selma
    Nicknamed "Bloody Sunday" by African Americans. The SCLC organized a major campaign in Selma, Alabama; to pressure the federal government to enact voting rights legislation. The protest climaxed a series of confrontations on the Edmund Pettus Bridge, on the main route from Selma to Montgomery. A positive was that it led to the Voting Rights Act of 1965. A negative was that a few blacks were killed.
  • Martin Luther King assassinated

    Martin Luther King assassinated
    Martin Luther King was standing out on his motel balcony on a crisp morning in Memphis, Tennesse. He was shot by a high powered rifle, fired by James Earl Ray. King died at the age of 39. There were no positives. A negative was that the blacks lost one of their leaders.