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Civil Rights Movement

  • Emmett Till

    Emmett Till
    Young boy from Chicago visiting in the south. Went to the store and whistled to a Caucasian women later was brutally killed by her husband.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    Lady named Roas Parks sat in a white seat on the bus. She did not move so she was taken to jail, the people stopped taking the bus.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    Nine African American students supposed to go to a white high school and was not allowed. President Eisenhower sent troops to protect them.
  • Sit-In

    African American sat at a diner to not have a nonviolent protest. SNCC formed this group to keep up the fight or civil rights.
  • Freedom Rides

    Freedom Rides
    Was a bus that was going to the south and people on it where fighting for freedom. On the trip racist people sat that bus on fire also beat the people on there.
  • Demonstrations In Birmingham

    Demonstrations In Birmingham
    The Demonstrations was a movement to put out integration efforts of African Americans. That was suppose to be peaceful but police attacked and sprayed African Americans with high pressure water hose and having German Sheperds bite the nonviolent protesters.
  • Letter From Birmingham Jail

    Letter From Birmingham Jail
    Is a letter that Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr. Wrote when he was in jail. The letter was meant to tell people of the nonviolent resistance to racism.
  • Birmingham, Ala Chruch Bombing

    Birmingham, Ala Chruch Bombing
    This was an act of Klu Klux Klan for their hatred of African Americans. They bombed a Chruch with dynamite under the stairs and four little girls where walking down to change and at the wrong time the bomb went off and killed them.
  • Registration Drive

    Registration Drive
    Martin Luther King Jr, held a march for racial equality. People walked with nonviolence wanting to expand voting in the south.
  • The Muders of James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner

    The Muders of James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner
    See men are in the Freedom Summer and went to investigate the burning black Church. They were taken to jail and into the hands of th Klu Klux Klan was beaten to death.
  • Jimmy Lee Jackson

    Jimmy Lee Jackson
    Jimmy Lee Jackson was killed by a shot by a state trooper. After he then had a peaceful protest because of his death it had caused the Bloody Sunday March.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    This whole intire day was because of the death of Jimmy Lee Jackson when he was killed by an officer. 600 people crossed the Edmund Pettus bridge peacefully while state troopers violently attacked the protesters.