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Civil Rights Movement: 1950-1970

  • Plessy vs. Ferguson

    Plessy vd. Ferguson was a court case on sperate but equal. The ruling of the case was that seperate but equal was constitutional.
  • Period: to

    Civil Rigts Movement: 1950-1970

  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education
    Linda Brown was a girl that had to take the bus to a black school when a white school was within walking distance of her house. Her father sued the school.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education
    The ruling for the casewas that the jury ruled that the sperate but equal was not seperate but equal, meaning that black buildings were not the same as white buildings, blacks were not treated the same as whites.
  • Emmett Till

    Emmett Till
    Emmitt Till was murdered after he was supposedly flirting with a white woman. He spke to a 21 year old woman, and two days later, the womans husband and his brother went to Till's great uncles house where Till was staying, and they murdered him and dumped his body in the river
  • Montegomery Bus Boycott

    Montegomery Bus Boycott
    A few months after Rosa Parks inprisonment, the blacks met at Montegomery church where they chose Martin Luther King to lead them in the fight to stop discrimination. That night they decided that all blaks would stop using the buses to stop discrimination on buses.
  • Integration at Little Rock Central High School

    Integration at Little Rock Central High School
    At Little Rock High School, 9 black children were accepted into the white school. There was a mob that morning who threatened to kill the children if they entered the school. The children had personal guards. The SC (Supreme Court) outlawed segregation in schools before this incident. This incident influenced many other black children to go to white schools.
  • Lunch Counter "Sit Ins"

    Lunch Counter "Sit Ins"
    In segregated lunch counters, blacks met to protest the racial discrimination, and the restaraunts refused to serve them. The blacks didn't leave, and the whites started throwing things at the blacks. The blacks were then arrested for starting the fight when it was the whites who started them.
  • Birmingham Demonstrations

    Birmingham Demonstrations
    Protests, demonstraitons, and Martin Luther King arrested, and put in jail, Birmingham.
  • Freedom Rides

    Freedom Rides
    2 blacks groups left Washington by bus to bring the vialation of anti-discrimination laws in interstate travel to the attention of Americans. They were young and attractive young peoplewho were at peace with themselves. They suffered intimidation from whites. Their bus tires were popped and the bus was set on fire, they were then arrested in Jackson, Tenessee.
  • James Meredith

    James Meredith
    James Merideth was a black college student who was accepted into the Ole Miss college, the gov of Mississippi sent troops to prevent him from entering the college. US Marshalls sent by the president help Merideth get into the college safely.
  • Letter from a Birmingham Jail

    Letter from a Birmingham Jail
    Martin Luther King wrote a letter to all blacks encouraging them to keep fighting despite him being in jail.
  • Bombing of 16th street Baptist Street

    Bombing of 16th street Baptist Street
    On a sunday morning after sunday school, while some girls were changing into their robes, a bomb went off in the church, killing 4 children. The gov blamed the bombing on the KKK, this event opened the blacks eyes to the hatred towards blacks.
  • Murder of Jimmie Lee Jackson

    Murder of Jimmie Lee Jackson
    00 black children were arrested while marching. An organization and prayer meeting was held, while troopers stood guard outside. Jimmie Lee Jackson was killed while trying to save his granmother and grandfather, he was 26 years old, and a decan at his church.
  • Voting Rights, Murder of Civil Rights Workers

    Voting Rights, Murder of Civil Rights Workers
    While 3 men were on the road, they were stopped and held in prison, when the sheriff told them to go back home, on their way, they were followed by 2 cars. They were all 3 killed and buried. This event opened the eyes of the US to how bad the racism was, the men who were involved were not charged with murder.
  • Voting Rights, Registration Drive

    Voting Rights, Registration Drive
    Blacks from the North traveled South to help the blacks in the South be able to vote. Most blacks in the south did not want to vote because they were afraid that if they did vote, their house would get burned down, although 1000's of blacks voted in sacrifice of everything they had.
  • CIvil Rights Act

    CIvil Rights Act
    Congress passed the Civil Rights Act, which outlaws discrimination in emplyement and in publlic areas.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Protestors walked 54 miles to protest, the demanded to present grievences to the governor. Troopers stopped the march, while killing 1.
  • Voting Rights March

    Voting Rights March
    Blacks marched for voting rights. They were guarded safely by police. This was a coming together of the best of America, and blacks gained voting rights because of this.
  • Loving vs State of Virginia

    Loving vs State of Virginia
    The Supreme Court passed a law that strikes down interracial marriage as unconstitutional.
  • Thurgood Marshall

    Thurgood Marshall
    Thurgood Marshall was the first ever black man in the Suoreme Court.
  • Martin Luther King Jr.

    Martin Luther King Jr.
    Martin Luther King Jr. was assinated on his balcony in Memphis Tenessee
  • Fred Hampton

    Fred Hampton
    Fred Hampton was shot and killed by police during a raid. The jury refused to agree to the police that they shot him in self defense, although nobody was ever charged with murderung Fred Hampton.