Civil Rights Movement 1943-1970

By kaitE
  • End of White Primary

    In King v Chapman case, the Supreme Court declared it was illegal to allow white primary in Georgia. White Primary kept African-Americans from voting.
  • 3 Govenor's Race

    Three governors, one of which was the racist, segregationist Herman Talmadge, got into an embarrassing power struggle for Governor of Georgia. The General Assembly decided Herman Talmadge was the rightful governor. The US Supreme Court later declared Lieutenant Gov, Melvin Thompson, who was not a racist, the rightful governor of Georgia
  • Brown v Board of Education

    A long awaited and organized case declared that segregation in the American School System was unconstitutional.
  • Assasination of Brewer and Disbandment of NAACP Group in GA

    After receiving threats from the KKK, Thomas Brewer was found murdered in Columbus, Georgia. Soon after that, the chapter of the NAACP in Georgia that he founded dissolved.
  • Georgia Flag of 1956

    Showed Georgia's racist values and resistance to desegregation by including parts of the Confederate Flag
  • SCLC

    It was first inspired off Rosa Park's protest followed by the 381-day boycott of the Montgomery Alabama's segregated bus system. It was an organization largely founded by MLK Jr. to combat racism and segregation through nonviolent protesting
  • Sibley Commission

    After the Governor of Georgia could not decide how to handle the Brown v B.O.E against his citizens want for segregation, he created the Sibley Commission. This was a group who gathered the opinions of the people of Georgia and found that 6/10 of citizens would rather close schools than desegregate.
  • SNCC

    A student ran organization started that organized and supported hundreds of peaceful protests and sit-ins that was started by John Lewis.
  • Albany Movement

    A series of protests led by Martin Luther King Jr. took place. Their goal was to achieve voting rights. The local jails were completely filled due to the protests. Sadly, due to conflict within protesting leaders and methods of protesting the movement dissolved.
  • March on Washington

    A large protest and speech in which many influential Civil Rights leaders including MLK Jr. and John Lewis spoke. More than 250,000 people attended, filling Washington. Martin Luther King Jr. famously gave his "I Have a Dream" speech here, and inspired millions
  • Civil Rights Act

    A law that enacted labor laws against discrimination of age, sex, race, or national origin and ended segregation in public places. Georgia resisted this act. Lots of hate came from GA Governor Lester Maddox.