Civil Rights Movement

  • Only one out of three women had worked for wages

  • Eisenhower administration enacted a termination policy for Native Americans

    Eisenhower administration enacted termination policy designed to relocate Native Americans from reservations to mainstream urban American life-it failed.
  • Plessy vs. Ferguson

    Stated under law that racial segregation was the law by "seperate but equal." In 1954 it was disapproved after the Brown vs. Board of Education decision.
  • Period: to

    Civil Rights Movement

  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    A protest against the racial segregration on city transportation. The boycott lasted a year and financially hurt the Montgomery transportation business.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Nine black students attended a public white highschool in Arkansas. Many racial problems arrose and eventually the National Guard was hired to protect the nine students from racial violence.
  • S.C.L.C

    The Southern Christian Leadership Conference was headed by Martin Luther King Jr. The SCLC organized numerous protests and marches to help with the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Fidel Castro overthrows Cuba's dictator

    After Fidel Castro overthrows Cuba's dictator, hundreds of thousands of Cubans fled to the U.S.
  • Latino population in U.S. grew from 3 to 9 million.

    Throughout the entire 1960's the Latino population grew in the United States.
  • Feminism-belief that women should have economic, political, and social equality

  • More than 40% of women had jobs outside the home

    At this time women made up 1/3 of workforce
  • Martin Luther King Jr.

    Leader of the S.C.L.C. He was a strong figure in the Civil Rights Movement and strongly promoted his idea of non-violent protests.
  • Freedom Riders

    The Freedom Riders rode all the way to Washington D.C. in order to challenge Supreme Court rulings.
  • Henry Gonzalez elected for Congress

    Henry Gonzalez was the 1st Mexican American to serve in Congress. He represented Texas.
  • Representatives from Native American groups met and drafted the Declaration of Indian Purpose

    Representatives from 67 Native American groups met and drafted the Declaration of Indian Purpose, this would allow them to "choose our own way of life."
  • Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta found the National Farm Workers Association

  • Edward Roybal elected to House of Representatives

    Mexican American Political Association (MAPA) helped Edward Roybal get elected to House of Representatives in Los Angeles making him the 2nd Mexican American in Congress.
  • Federal Alliance of Land Grants formed

    Federal Alliance of Land Grants formed to help reclain U.S. land taken from Mexican American land holders in the 19th century.
  • President Kennedy's Presidential Commission on the Status of Women is released

    President Kennedy's Presidential Commission on the Status of Women reported that women were paid far less than men, even when doing the same jobs.
  • The Feminine Mystique is published

    Betty Friedan published the Feminine Mystique, it captured the discontent that women were feeling.
  • Malcolm X

    Main leader in the Civil Rights Movement. He was not a fan of the white man and believed that if the white people were going to treat the black people with violence then the black people should respond with violence in order to get their point across.
  • Freedom Summer

    A movement to encourage and help blacks register for voting. This included education in order to pass the literacy tests.
  • President Johnson includes Native Americans in his Great Society program

    President Johnson includes Native Americans in his Great Society program and established the National Council on Indian Opportunity to "ensure that programs reflect the needs and desires of the Indian people."
  • Voting Rights Act passed

    The Voting Rights Act of 1965 eliminated descriminatory voting, which has previously greatly limited the amount of African American voters. This made literacy tests illegal.
  • National Farm Workers Association merges with Filipino argricultural Union to form United Farm Workers Organizing Committee

  • Black Panthers

    The Black Panther Party was a far left African American Party.
  • National Organization for Women formed

  • Stokely Carmichael

    Stokely Carmichael, a black activist was the leader of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. He also coined the term "black power."
  • Kerner Commission

    The Kerner Commision was established by Johnson inorder to find the reasons for the 1967 riots and also help prevent riots in the future.
  • The Brown Berets organize walk outs

    15,000 Mexican American high school students in East L.A. boycott classes
  • Grape Boycott

    After grape companies refused to recognize the union, a peaceful boycott against the grape industry started.
  • Congress enactd the Bilingual Education Act

    This act provided funds for schools to develop bilingual and cultural heritage programs for non-English speaking children.
  • Cesar Chavez went on a 3-week fast

    Cesar Chavez went on a 3-week fast and lost 35 pounds to get supermarkets and shoppers to not buy California grapes.
  • Native American Activists found the American Indian Movement

  • The American Indian Movement begins

    The AIM began as a self defense group against police brutality.
  • Women across the country were coming together to work for change

  • Civil Rights Act

    Prohibited discrimination of housing based on race, religion, and gender.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. assassinated

    Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated while standing on his hotel balcony in Memphis. Because of his assassination many people began to riot in the streets. The FBI investigated the assassination a little bit but many believed that justice was not served.
  • Native Americans seized Alcatraz Island

    Militants calling themselves Indians of all Tribes seized Alcatraz Island-the federal prison island. The Native Americans offered to pay for the islands in the same amount the Dutch settlers paid for Manhattan Island in 1626.
  • Women held only 3.5% of elected state offices

  • Political Party La Raza Unida is formed

    Also known as the United People Party.
  • The Taos of New Mexico regained possession of Blue Lake

  • Women were preparing themselves for "lifetime careers"

  • 32 million women work in the workforce

  • Women earning much lower wages than men

    Women were earing the wage of $2,237 while men were earning $6,670
  • The Aleut and Inuit tribes pass the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971

    The Aleut and Inuit tribes of Alaska pass the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971, it gave 40 million acres and paid out over $962 million to native peoples.
  • National Women's Political Caucus is formed

    Gloria Steinem helped found the National Women's Political Caucus, a moderate group that encouraged women to seek political office.
  • Russel Means organized a march known as Trail of Broken Treaties

    AIM leader Russel Means organized a march known as the Trail of Broken Treaties in Washington D.C. to protest how the government has treated Native Americans throughout history. Most importantly, to represent the multiple treaties the United States government had with the Native Americans, but broke.
  • Congress passes Equal Rights Amendment

    Mainly stated that, "Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex."
  • Congress passed a ban on gender descrimination

    Congress passed a ban on gender descrimination in "any education program or activities receiving federal financial assistance."
  • Stop-ERA campaign founded

    Phyllis Schlafly founded and became national chairman of the Stop-ERA campaign
  • Congress passes the Indian Education Act and Self Determination Act

    The Indian Education and and the Self Determination Act was designed to give Native Americans more control over the education of their children.
  • Roe vs. Wade passes

    Roe vs. Wade allows women the right to choose an abortion during the first three months of pregnancy.
  • Native Americans stage protest at Wounded Knee, South Dakota

    Native Americans stage protest at Wounded Knee, South Dakota, congress passes Indian Self-Determination and Education Act.
  • Congress passes the Education Assistance Act

    Designed to allow Native Americans to control their education system.