
Civil Rights Events Timeline

By Miv7557
  • The Congress Of Racial Equality

    The Congress Of Racial Equality
    An African American civil rights organization in the U.S that played a pivotal role in the movement. It states to bring equality to all people regardless.
  • Brown vs. board of eduction

    Brown vs. board of eduction
    A decision established by the supreme court that ruled that racial segregation or the concept of "separate but equal" is unconstitutional in schools
  • Emmitt Till

    Emmitt Till
    An African American who was lynched with brutality of his murder. He therefore drew attention to the persecution of African Americans and became an icon for the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Rosa Parks/Montgomery Bus boycott

    Rosa Parks/Montgomery Bus boycott
    A civil rights protest during which African Americans refused to ride city buses to protest seating. It was the first large scale demonstration against segregation especially Rosa Parks being a model.
  • Southern Christian Leadership Conference

    Southern Christian Leadership Conference
    A civil rights organization as an offshoot of the bus boycott in Montgomery. Mlk and other leaders founded this in order to better coordinate civil rights protests in the south. Also expanded into other groups focusing on economic equality as well.
  • The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Comittee

    The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Comittee
    Was founded by young students dedicated to nonviolence and direct tactics. The SNCC remained independent from the SCLC but worked together towards the civil rights movement.
  • Letter from Birmingham Jail

    Letter from Birmingham Jail
    Was Martin Luther King Jr.'s response to the letter in the newspaper calling them "unwise" and explaining nonviolent protests with his decision.
  • "I Have a Dream" speech-

    "I Have a Dream" speech-
    A speech MLK delivered to Washington about the founding fathers, the bible, the struggles, and recognition for equality for African Americans.
  • Sixteenth Street Baptist Church, Birmingham, Alabama, bombing-

    Sixteenth Street Baptist Church, Birmingham, Alabama, bombing-
    The church became a target of racial bombing that killed four girls during the civil rights movement
  • The 24th Amendment

    The 24th Amendment
    Claimed the right if a citizen to vote and shall not be denied access, also congress having the power to enforce this on an appropriate legislation of poll tax.
  • The Civil Rights Act of 1964

    The Civil Rights Act of 1964
    Was a public law that changed American history by outlawing discrimination and segregation of any attributes that were in dispute. However, women were not added till later.
  • Malcom X Assasination

    Malcom X Assasination
    An African American Nationalist and religious leader who was assassinated by rival black Muslims and became influential to the SNCC.
  • Bloody Sunday in Selma, Alabama

    Bloody Sunday in Selma, Alabama
    The SNCC led a voting registration campaign in Selma but they were driven by Alabama state troopers
  • The Voting Rights Act of 1965

    The Voting Rights Act of 1965
    Is a landmark of federal legislation that prohibits racial
    discrimination in voting for protection. Later was expanded for even more reinforcement.
  • Executive Order 11246-Affirmative Action

    Executive Order 11246-Affirmative Action
    Signed by Lyndon B. J that established requirements for non-discrimmator practices in hiring and employment in the government who does not have 10,000: prohibits discrimination and requires action to assure equal opportunity in all aspects of employment.
  • The Black Panthers

    The Black Panthers
    A political organization founded to challenge police brutality against African American community. They dressed in black and organized armed citizen patrols but declined due to internal tensions.
  • Stokely Carmichael

    Stokely Carmichael
    Was a member and a civil rights activist of the SNCC but later shifted towards the black panther to promote "the black power".
  • The Civil Rights Act of 1968

    The Civil Rights Act of 1968
    Was a federal law that prohibited discrimination concerning the sale, rental, and financing of housing known as the fair housing act
  • Martin Luther King Assasination

    Martin Luther King Assasination
    A American clergyman and civil rights leader that was shot. This served as a rift widener between the races and many saw the assassination as a rejection to the nonviolent resistance.