Civil Rights Era Legislation and Court Cases

  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Court case that declared segregation of public schools is unconstitutional
    Equality for all was why this court case was important in the Civil Rights Movement
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    The boycott was a protest by African Americcans in Montgomery, Alabama, against racial segregation in the bus system. This boycott took place after Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man and was arrested for disobeying the law. The boycott lead the bus company to lose money due to minorities refusing to get on which paid for people's jobs.
  • Little Rock Crisis

    Nine African American students voluntarily enrolled at Central High School. As the Black students tried to enter the school, a white mob was waiting for them, ready to lynch them. The significance of this crisis shows the fight for Blacks just to get an education and how much Blacks had to go through during that time period.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1957

    This law established the United States Civil Rights Commision which had the power to investigate violations of civil rights. It also gave the US Attorney General greater power to protect the voting rights of African Americans. This act helped protect African Americans and its main significance was that it was the first civil rights bill passed by Congress since Reconstruction.
  • Freedom Riders

    Two seperate buses had let both black and white students that it defyed segregation. One of the busses was hired but once again the bus was me accpectable. This even signifies one out of the many reasons to how colored people and whites foughts for integration.
  • March on Washington

    Several different activist groupd had shown up (NAACP, SCLC, and SNCC) who walked together in peaceful protest. By protesting peacefully, it made Congress feel pressured to pass the new civil rights bill. Dr.Martin L. King Jr., had also presented his 'I Have a Dream Speech'.
    This is important to show that people of color and whites who were allies that they were not going to give up due to police bruality, etc.
  • 24 Amendment

    This amendment banned poll tax which was used to prevent African Americans (who were poor) from voting.
    This amendment was important because it gave minorities the same rights as whites did (when they voted) and didn't need to pay anything to vote.
  • Freedom Summer

    The 1964 effort to register African American voters in Mississippi. SNCC who had organized this campaign also form the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP) which was the alternative to the state's all-white regualr Democratic Party. This was important so that African Americans voices can be heard and also have someone in office who is focused on civil rights for Blacks and other colored people.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    This act banned segregation in public accommodations and gave the federal government the ability to compel state and local school boards to desegregate their school.
    This act was important because it allowed everyone to be able to do the same things without being seperate. It alsoallowed children both black and white to go to school togehter and learn about diversity.
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    This act banned literacy test and empowered the federal government to oversee voting registration and elections in states that had discriminated against minorities.
    This act made it so that everyone has an oppurtunity to vote for someone to represent them