Civil Rights

By Akeno
  • CORE

    Students created the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) to take direct action concerning civil rights. During the movement, they offered help to MLK before and during his reign. The organization also helped during the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Before MLK became the public figure he did, the CORE helped him gain publicity. This organization was so important to the movement because it helped enable the movements of others during a hard time of trying to get equal rights.
  • Brown vs BOE

    Brown vs BOE
    Brown vs BOE was a court case that essentially ended in the desegregation of schools. It started when a plaintiff Oliver Brown's daughter was refused entry into a white school. When this happened he went to court about it and argued that black schools weren't on the same level as the white schools and said it went against the segregation law "separate but equal". The verdict was that they weren't equal and they desegregated schools.
  • Rosa Parks and Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Rosa Parks and Montgomery Bus Boycott
    Rosa Parks was an African American woman who was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on her bus to a white man. Although she wasn't the first to do this she was the first one to be publicized. Shortly after her arrest, the Montgomery bus boycott took place. However, itt was the first large-scale protest about discrimination.
  • Civil Rights Act (1957-1964)

    Civil Rights Act (1957-1964)
    The Civil Rights Act of 1957 was passed after a mass resistance to desegregation after the Brown vs BOE. This was especially seen in Little Rock when the president protected nine African Americans when integrating into a white school. The government thought that making a civil rights act would cause people to calm down about segregation. The Act gave African Americans voting rights protection and got rid of anything that would prevent them from voting.
  • Greensboro Sit-ins

    Greensboro Sit-ins
    The Greensboro Sit-in protest occurred at a Woolworths store where four African American students sat at a whites-only counter and refused to leave. The protest ended up being successful and led to the eventual creation of the SNCC (Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee). These non-violent protests led the restaurant chain to discontinue its rules of segregation in its stores. This event also gained the sympathy of the individuals and bystanders.
  • Birmingham Campaign

    Birmingham Campaign
    This campaign happened during the easter season in '63 and was intended to put pressure on the merchants since it was the 2nd best shopping time of the year. During the campaign 100s were arrested after going against the probable local laws like sitting at the counter, having mass meetings, and having a march on the county building where voting took place. Unfortunately, after time they had to end the campaign due to the lack of funding for releasing the arrested prisoners.
  • "I Have a Dream" Speech

    "I Have a Dream" Speech
    The "I Have a Dream" speech was spoken by Martin Luther King during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. This speech is now known as one of the most important and iconic speeches in American history. In his speech, he advocated for a racism-free country. During the speech, he addresses the Emancipation Proclamation and describes how they aren't free even though they didn't have set owners anymore.
  • Mississippi Summer Freedom Project

    Mississippi Summer Freedom Project
    This movement was geared toward voter registration. The goal of the movement was to increase the number of black voters that register. During the movement, they were faced with resistance from the KKK and local law enforcement. This movement started after the "I Have a Dream" speech by MLK. This movement helped convince the government to pass the voting rights act in 1965 and had more people registering to vote.
  • Voting Rights Act

    Voting Rights Act
    The Voting Rights Act of 1965 prevented state and local governments from any barriers that prevented African Americans from voting. This act was considered one of the most far-reaching pieces of civil rights legislation at the time. This was important to the movement because it further prevented any discrimination against different races. This act got rid of the insane literacy tests and anything else that was required for them to pass before being able to vote.
  • Watts Riots

    Watts Riots
    The watts riots started after a young African American was pulled over and set to be arrested with a DUI. However, he and his mother resisted which then resulted in physical altercations between them. After this occurred, several protests occurred. The riots were bad to the point that thousands of military and law enforcement personnel were out patrolling the streets. This was important as it was one of the most deadly riots during the time.
  • Thurgood Marshall

    Thurgood Marshall
    Thurgood Marshall was one of the first African Americans to be elected as a Supreme Court Justice. He was part of the verdict decider when it came to the Brown vs BOE and fought against segregated schools at the time. He was extremely important at the time due to his high-ranking government position and his active pursuit to end segregation in schools and in general through the community.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1968

    Civil Rights Act of 1968
    The civil rights act of '68 extended the act of '57 but added a few clauses. It is also more commonly known as the Fair Housing Act of 1968. it expanded on the previous acts and discriminations for housing based on things like religion, sex, race, family status, etc. This was speedily passed into office after MLK's assassination the same year. This caused many celebrations to take place because the act was so important to the people.
  • MLK Assassination

    MLK Assassination
    Martin Luther King was fatally shot at a hotel by a criminal, James Earl Ray. There were many conspiracies surrounding the king's death ranging from a government mission to even the mafia. His assassination was one of the 4 most important assassinations along with Malcolm X, JFK, and RFK. This event was especially important to the African American community as he was very influential in the civil rights movement.
  • Bakke vs Regents of University of California

    Bakke vs Regents of University of California
    The following case starring a white man, Allan Bakke, was initiated when the University of California denied his entry due to him being of a different race. The university declared that race was one of the several deciding factors during admissions while they also disapproved of racial quotas. Allan's admission was denied even though he claimed to have had a better application than any minorities from the previous two years. It was decided that the university violated the 14th amendment.
  • Title IX

    Title IX
    This title passed in 1972 was passed to protect people from discrimination based on sex in educational programs or activities that receive any financial aid. It protects against LGBTQ and members of other races as well. It was very important as it allowed women to enter the field of education which allowed them to get better jobs and have a better income later in life.