Gay rights

Civil Rights

  • Period: to

    Civil Rights

  • First african american brought to Jamestown Virgina

    First african american brought to Jamestown Virgina
    Around 20 Africans were taken from a portuguese slave ship and were brought on an english warship, white lion headed to Virgina.
  • Sexually integrated jury

    Sexually integrated jury
    First time women are allowed to serve in a jury.
  • The declaration of independence

    The declaration of independence
    A document was created by our founding fathers to establish the ideas that all men would be free and equal.
  • Constitution was adopted

    Slaves could now be represented as three-fifths of a person.
  • Women can hold property in their name

    Mississippi is ther very first state to allow women to hold property in their name with their husbands permission.
  • Seneca Falls

    Seneca Falls
    Very first gathering for women's rights in the U.S.
    Nearly 100 people came to this gather which was held by Elizabeth Stanton and Lucretia Mott.
  • Dred scott vs sanford

    Dred scott vs sanford
    The court decided that all African Americans would not be conciderd a citizen and could not sue anyone in the federal court.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    The Emancipation Proclamation freed slaves in the confederacy.
  • Juneteenth

    The oldest known celebration commemorating the ending of slavery in the United States. Union soldiers came to Texas with new that the war was over and the slaves were now free.
  • 13th amendment

    Slavery was abolished.
  • Granted citizenship

    All african americans and all males got the same rights as white males
  • Equal protection

    Allows equal protection under the law to African Americans
  • state campaign for woman suffrage

    Esther Morris led the first successful state campaign for woman suffrage
  • 15th amendment

    Lets african americans vote
  • Civil rights act of 1875

    Gives african americans rights to all public accommodations such as transportation
  • scott act

    This treaty was to keep the chinense from returning to the U.S.
  • National Assosiation of Colored Women is formed

    National Assosiation of Colored Women is formed
    Over onehundred black women clubs meet up to have a convention.
  • First birth control clinic in Broocklyn shut down

    First birth control clinic in Broocklyn shut down
    Margaret Sanger opened the clinic and ten days later she was arrested by an undercover woman cop
  • 19th amendment

    Guaranteed all American women the right to vote.
  • Executive order 9981

    President Truman signs executive order 9981 which allows fair treatment and equality in armed service
  • Brown v. board of education

    Court case that decided that having seperate schools for black and white people is unconstitutional.
  • George w Lee is killed

    Regional council of negro leadership activist george w Lee is killed.
  • Desegregation in Oklahoma

    The University of oklahoma allows black students.
  • Black teachers get fired

    Georgia board of education fires all black teachers who are members of NAACP
  • Man killed for Whistling at a women

    Emmett Till is killed for whistling at a white woman in Mississippi.
  • Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat

    Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat
    Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus to go to the "colored" section and was arrested. This started a boycott that lasted over a year.
  • Little rock 9

    9 kids are blocked out from going to school by a governor. Eisenhower sends the national guard to help the 9 kids which later on are know as little rock 9.
  • James lawson expelled

    James lawson was expelled for participating at a sit in at vanderbilt university.
  • Houston's first sit in at weingarten supermarket

    The first sit in in houston, texas southern university that the students led.
  • 51 people arrested

    51 people were arrested at atlanta’s rich's department store sit in, one of which was MLK Jr
  • Freedom ride bus attacked and burned

    The freedom ride bus was on its way to Alabama when it was attacked and the people on the bus were beaten.
  • Two bombings in Birmingham

    A deal was made to desegregate the city of Birmingham and hire more black employees in businesses and city government. Bombs exploded in the city which cuased deadly riots.
  • I have a dream speech

    Martin luther king jr I have a dream speech
  • Assassination of Malcom X

    Malcom X was assassinated while giving a speech In Aashington Hights.
  • Easier voting for African Americans

    Voting act of 1965 makes it easier for southern african americans to vote without literacy tests and poll taxes.
  • riot at Compton’s Cafeteria

    riot at Compton’s Cafeteria
    A cafe in Compton didn't want to be known for having transgenders so they would call the police and have them clear them out. Transgenders took a stand and rioted.
  • March against fear

    James meredith starts a march against fear from Memphis to Jackson and was shot shortly after he began.
  • Beyond Vietnam speech

    Martin Luther King jr gives an anti vietnam war speech called beyond Vietnam.
  • MLK Jr Assasination

    MLK Jr Assasination
    Martin Luther King Jr was assasinated
  • Homosexuality is not concidered a mental disorder

    Homosexuality is not concidered a mental disorder
    The American Psychiatric Association removes homosexuality from its official list of mental disorders.
  • Roe vs Wade

    Roe vs Wade
    It was decided that a woman has the right to decide with consult of her doctor if she can go through with abortion.
  • first openly gay person to be elected as a state legislator

    Elaine Noble becomes the first openly gay person to be elected state legislator in Massachusetts State House of Representatives.
  • Harvey Milk is elected city-county supervisor

    Harvey Milk is elected city-county supervisor in San Francisco and becomes the third “out” elected public official in the United States.
  • March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights

    March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights
    75,000 people from all over the country participated in the first National march for Lesbian and Gay Rights.
  • Rodney King riots

    Rodney King riots
    Race riots start in Los Angeles because four white police officers were not charged for beating an African American man with video taped proof.
  • Homosexuality is not longer classified as a disease

    Homosexuality is removed from the International Statistical Classification of Diseases by the World Health Organization.
  • Don't Ask, Don't Tell

    Don't Ask, Don't Tell
    Allows gays to surve without being asked their sexual orientation.
  • First African American to hold office

    First African American to hold office
    Presidfent Barak Obama was elected president
  • Women combat

    Women combat
    Ban on women serving in combat roles is lifted gradually.
  • Gay marriage

    Gay marriage
    Same-sex couples have the fundamental right to marry and states cannot say that marriage is reserved for heterosexual couples in all of the United States.