Civil Rights Act

By nc18055
  • Brown vs Board of Education

    Was a landmark United States Supreme Court case in which the Court declared state laws establishing separate public schools for black and white students unconstitutional.
  • Emmett Till is murdered

    He was a black man from chicago who went to mississippi. Then he whistled at a white girl and then was murdered for that.
  • Montgomery Bus boycott

    Was when Rosa Pakers was arrest for not giving up her seat and then all black people boycotted them bus system by not riding the bus.
  • Little Rock Desegregation

    Was a small group of black people in arkansa who went in to a all white school. Many white people tried to scare them away but they could not.
  • March on Washington

    Was he over 200000 people marched to the lincoln Memorial and thats where Martin Luther King gave his famous speech “I have a dream”
  • Voting acts of 1965

    is a landmark piece of national legislation in the United States that outlawed discriminatory voting practices that had been responsible for the widespread disenfranchisement of African Americans in the U.S
  • Birmingham March

    was a movement organized by the Southern Christian Leadership Conference to bring attention to the unequal treatment that black Americans endured in Birmingham, Alabama. Led by Martin Luther King, Jr. and others, the spring 1963 campaign of nonviolent direct actions culminated in widely publicized confrontations between black youth and white civic authorities, and eventually led the municipal government to change the city's discrimination laws.