civil rights

By bng1211
  • plessy vs. Ferguson

    plessy vs. Ferguson
    Homer Plessy sat in the whites only car of a train. He was arrested and tried then convicted. Plessy appealed, claiming that he was denied equal rights of protection.

    National association for the advancement of colored people
  • race riots

    african american teenager was drowned in a lake for not following the unofficial segregation. police refused to arrest the white man who done it. So people from chicago started riots.
  • the sit ins

    the sit ins
    african american protesters sat down at segregated lunch counters and refused to leave until they got served.
  • little rock school integration

    little rock school integration
    9 african americans were allowed to go to a white school but were abused coming to and from school by the students and troops hired to keep them out.
  • brown vs. board of education of topeka

    brown vs. board of education of topeka
    The browns lived near a white school but his daughter had to ride a bus all the way across town to a black school. So her father protested.
  • montgomery bus boycott

    montgomery bus boycott
    Rosa Parks took a seat on the white side of the bus and refused to give her seat up to a white man. She was arrested. So african americans stop taking the bus. They walked, or car pooled but mainly walked everywhere.
  • freedom rides

    freedom rides
    2 buses with blacks and whites on it riding across the south to test the supreme court decisions banning segregated seating.
  • March on birmingham alabama

    March on birmingham alabama
    MLK flew into birmingham to hold a meeting with members of african american community.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    more than 250,000 people ( 75,000 were white) assembed on the grass of the capital to listen to speakers one being Martin Luther King Jr.
  • 24th amendment

    The right of citizens to vote
  • civil rights act of 1964

    civil rights act of 1964
    ended segregation in public places and banned employment discrimination on of race.
  • voting rights act of 1965

    voting rights act of 1965
    Eliminated the so-called literacy tests that disqualified many voters. 60 percent of african americans were now voters.
  • march from selma to montgomery for voting rights

    MLK marched for the right to vote for african americans
  • black panther party