Civil Rights

  • Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas

    Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas
    The landmark case of Brown v. Board of Education of Topek Kasas was a supream court rulling in which the judge ruled that segrigation is unconsiutional. It was important because it overtkurned plessy v.furgison which said segrigation was not unconstitutonal.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    When 9 black students try to enroll in an all white school they are blocked from entering, called names, and booed. This was important because it showed how had it would be to ge people to intigrate
  • First Sit In

    First Sit In
    Four collage students sat down at an all white lunch counter in a woolworth department store and were refused service but allowed to stay they started the first sit in. This was important because it led to other sit ins which in many cases were successful in changing the company's segrigation policy
  • Rosa Parks Bus Ride

    Rosa Parks Bus Ride
    Rosa Parks took he seat after a hard day of work, however when a white man walked on the bus the driver asked her to stand up and let him sit, she refused to get up so the driver had her arrested. This event was important because it was the first peacful protest of the civil rights movement.
  • Freedom Ride

    The freedom ride was a test to see if the new law banning segrigation on interstate buses worked, it was important because it showed that activists had a long way to go until they actuly had rights.
  • March on Washington

    The march on Washington was the march in which MLK gave his I have a dream speech. It was important because it influencfed the passing of the civil rights act
  • 24th ammendment

    the 24th smmendment sllowed blacks to votennfor the first time.
  • the civil rights act

    The civil rights act banned segrigaion in public places, It was important because lt effectivly ended the Civil Rights Movement