Chinese rev


  • The Beggining

    The Beggining
    A nationalist bomb accidentally exploded, so the rebels decided to start the uprising.
  • The Republic of China

    The Republic of China
    The royal family abdicated the throne and China became the Republic of China. The seat of governent was set in Nanjing, and it failed to unify the republic.
  • Period: to

    Yuan Shikai's Reign

    The creator of the Republic of China, President Sun, named Yuan as the new president. He gave him the job to fight against warloads and fix the caos in which China was immersed. Yuan did an effort to fulfill his responsabilities, but he also did things that dug China into greater chaos. He became a dictator when, in January of 1914, he proclamed himself president for the next ten years. He created an autocracy and attempted to re-establish the chinese monarchy and empire, but he failed to do it
  • Change in Government and Fall of Quing Dynasty

    Change in Government and Fall of Quing Dynasty
    A nationanalist revolt broke because of inequiality. The Qing Dynasty responded positively by changing their authoritarian imperial rule into a constitutional monarchy. Sun Yixian was declared president of a provisional republic.Then, Yuan Shikai was named premier of China. China was in chaos because the Qing Dynasty's end led to the rise of warloads. A new Senate and Lower House were established.
  • International Reaction

    International Reaction
    The countries with investments in China remained neutral during its crisis. Still, the USA supported the republican project, and in 1913, it was among the first countries to establish full diplomatic relations with the republic.
  • Yuan Shikai Dies

    Yuan Shikai Dies
    His death brought chaos to China. The non-dynastic government fell apart. Landlords and small armies were ruling all the parts of China that were not controlled by foreigners. Sun Kuomintang was powerless and failed to reorganize his Kuomintang Real authotity as the civil was broke.
  • WWI and China

    WWI and China
    The government of Beijin declared war against Germany. China thought that the Allies would return the control of China to the Chinese, but, as said in the Treaty of Versailles, they gave Japan the territories and priviledges that previously belonged to Germany.
  • May Fourth Movement

    May Fourth Movement
    When the news of the Treaty of Versailles reached China, this made everyone angry. Over 30,000 angry students gathered in the center of Beijin and started protesting. Mao Zedong (a young schoolteacher) totally supported the students. He soon became China's greatest revolutionary leader, known as "The Great Helmsman."
    The revolt spread throughout the country and became a national movement.
  • The Formation of the Chinese Communist Party

    The Formation of the Chinese Communist Party
    In 1920, a small group of young intellectuals met in Shanghai's and Beijing's Universities to discuss discuss Marx's revolutionary beliefs. They thought that the Sovietic Union under Lenning was a model for political and economic change, so they organized the Chinese Communist Party under these beliefs (in 1921). This political party eventually took controll and is nowdays one of the biggest and most influential political parties in China.
  • Nationalists and Communists Clash

    Nationalists and Communists Clash
    After living peacefully among each other, and even fighting together against warloads, Nationalists and Communists clashed. Nationalist troops and armed gangs moved into Shanghai and killed Communists leaders and trade union members. They almost killed all the members of the Communist Party; the few survivors hid.
  • Period: to

    Jiang Jieshi's Reign

    He became a dictator and founded the Nationalist Republic of China. During his reign, he modernized and developed cities. However, he didn't recognize people's rights and did nothing to improve the lifestyle of peasants. He constantly fought against communists, but in 1937 he had to create an alliance with them to fight the Japanese, He was re-elected president in 1948, but had to go to Taiwan in 1949 because communists led all nationalists out of the country.
  • Period: to

    The Long March

    In 1933, Jiang's army surrounded the Communists' mountains, so in 1944 the communists had to run away. They began a 6,000 mile-long journey through mountains and rivers to reach north. They had to face battles and harsh conditions, so just 30% of the march members survived. Mao and the other communists settled in caves in China's northwest and quickly gained peasant followers.
  • December 9th Movement

    December 9th Movement
    A massive number of students started protesting, asking the Nationalist government to resist the Japanese attacks. They sent demands to the KMT. This inspired other students across the country.
  • Period: to

    Japan Invades China

    Japan claimed China as its territorry so it invaded it (WWII). Japan started invading China's north and quickly conquered Manchuria. The Japanese started to spread, so the Nationalist and Communist parties united to fight against their common enemy. In 1945, the japanese surrendered, they had spread out their forces too far, so they left China. This revived the old conflict between Nationalists and Communists.
  • Period: to

    Battle of Shanghai

    Jiang Jieshi sent the KMT's best troops to fight against the Japanese in order to defend Shanghai. The battle lasted for 3 months and the Japanese won, but the Chinese had the chance to show that they were not going to give up.
  • The Rape of Nanking

    The Rape of Nanking
    The Japanese brutally destroyed Nanking, the capital of the Republic of China. They also killed more than 3,000 chinese.
  • Battle of Taierzhuang

    Battle of Taierzhuang
    This was a battle of the Second Sino-Japanese War. It was fought between the Japanese and the Nationalists. The nationalists won the battle, it was the first time they defeated the Japanese. The Nationalists stole weapons from the Japanese, helping their war effort.
  • People's Republic of China

    People's Republic of China
    Mao Zednong (member of the Communist Party) and the communists pushed the Nationalist Party and its integrants out of China and into Taiwan. He created the People's Republic of China, this means that he created China's modern day government system.