Chinese History

  • Mao's first visit to Moscow

    Mao's first visit to Moscow
    within weeks of taking power in 1949 , he visited Moscow . But Joseph Stalin was a difficult alley. For three days, he did not even acknowledge Mao’s presence in Moscow . Finally, he gave the Chinese limited aid and agreed to a defense treaty. On his return to Beijing , Mao addressed his colleagues.
  • Period: to

    Suppression of counter-revolutionaries

    • Mao’s execution quota: 0.1%
    • Local officials overshot: 0.15-0.2%
    • Mao: “We killed 700,000, arrested 1.2 mil” 當時中國有7億人
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    Land reform

    土地改革运动是1950年代中华人民共和国建立初期在新解放区进行的土地改革[1] 。这次土地改革是中国共产党在第二次國共內戰时期对老解放区土地改革的继续,基本完成了全国范围内的土改。土地改革运动将地主阶级的土地没收后,分配给无地少地的农民,目的是将土地所有制改变为农民的土地所有制,提高农业生产力,为中国的迅速工业化作准备[2][3]。至1953年,除新疆、西藏等部分少数民族地区,中国大陆大部分地区的土地改革基本完成,3亿多无地或少地的农民无偿分得约7亿亩土地及生产资料,并每年免除地租3000万吨粮食。
  • Truman’s “Hands-off” Policy

    president Truman: disengagement of Taiwan issue
    “The United States has no predatory designs on Formosa, or on any other
    Chinese territory. The United States has no desire to obtain special rights or privileges,
    or to establish military bases on Formosa at this time.
    • “Similarly, the United States Government will not provide military aid or
    advice to Chinese forces on Formosa.
    MacArthur and Dean Acheson: “defensive perimeter” in the Pacific
  • Period: to

    Korean War

    In June 1950 , North Korea invaded South Korea. America was outraged and called for immediate action. The United Nation sent troops from 15 countries to defend South Korea. They were lead by the American General, Douglas MacArthur . After months of hard fighting, the UN forces push the North Korean army out of the South. In October , they reached the North Korean capital Pyongyang .
    By the spring of 1951 , the war was a grim stalemate. Both sides were dug in around the 38th parallel separating
  • Truman’s “Neutralization” statement

    The determination of the future status of Formosa must await the restoration of security in the Pacific, a peace settlement with Japan, or consideration by the United Nations.
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    The First Five Year Plan

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    In 1953 , the communists began to socialize agriculture. First, they encouraged families to prove their property in small farms called cooperatives. People's life is better. By the end of 1955 , almost two-thirds of the peasants had joined.
  • Stalin died

  • Khrushchev’s gift

    Khrushchev’s gift
    156 Major industrial projects
    • To return Port Arthur and Dalian early
    • Military and financial aid
    1954. Mao asked for nuclear technology.
    The Soviet Union began to provide nuclear technology sometime between 1956 to 1966.
  • Period: to

    Soviet experts in China

    18,000 experts in 12 years
  • Nikita Khrushchev's "Secret Speech"

    Nikita Khrushchev denounced the personality cult and dictatorship of Joseph Stalin
  • Period: to

    百花齐放 百家争鸣

  • Poland October 1956

  • Period: to

    Hungarian Revolution of 1956

    a spontaneous nationwide revolt against the government of the People's Republic of Hungary and its Soviet-imposed policies, lasting from 23 October until 10 November 1956. It was the first major threat to Soviet control since the USSR's forces drove out the Nazis at the end of World War II and occupied Eastern Europe. Despite the failure of the uprising, it was highly influential, and came to play a role in the downfall of the Soviet Union decades later.
    Soviet Union tanks are sent to Hungary.
  • Anti- Rightist Campaign

    Anti- Rightist Campaign
    between 500,000 to 1 million people, mostly teachers, were labeled as rightists and deported to forced labor camps where many died of startvation.
    10% of the people are rightists. Mao appoint Deng Xiaoping
  • Mao's 2nd visit to Moscow

    40th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution;
    the Soviet promised to give China "a sample of an atomic bomb and technical data concerning its manufacure"
    "We should not be afraid of the atomic war".Mao
    Kruchshev: economic development would surpass USA in 15 years; Mao took the challege of perceding UK's steering production in the same time period 就中苏两个大党而言,在空前团结的表象之下,却潜伏着某种危机。第一,苏联党极力鼓吹“和平过渡”,而中国党则对此大泼冷水;第二,苏联党要千方百计避免战争,特别是核战争,而中国党的态度是既要争取和平但又不要害怕战争,即使是核战争也用不着怕。
  • Period: to

    The Great Leap Forward

    1958.4: People'c commune
    industrialization; backhyard furnaces; crop experiments, etc
    discontinued in 1961
    military training of peasants; collective nursery
    "Every morning the peasants gathered at the entrance to the village and waited for the group leader to allocate the tasks. At the end of the day, the leader shouted, works over, and the peasants went to eat. They weren't motivated and productivity was very low, that was one reason why productivity didn’t increase."
  • Period: to

    The Great Famine

    Death toll estimates:
    • Cao Shuji: 32.5 million
    • Yang Jisheng (Tombstone): 38 million
    • Frank Dikotter (Mao’s Great Famine, 2010): at least 45 million
    • Three worst hit provinces: Sichuan, Henan, Anhui
  • Khrushchev's secret visit to Beijing

    Khrushchev's secret visit to Beijing
    Mao did not disclose his plan on Jinmen bombardment
    Joint- communicuqe denoucing US imperialism
  • The second Taiwan Strait Crisis

    The second Taiwan Strait Crisis
    1958.08.23 Mao’s limited war
    • Belligerent rhetoric, cautious actions
    • “Only strike the KMT, but not the Americans”
    PRC shelled the islands of Quemoy and the nearby Matsu Islands along Taiwan Strait.The United States used the nuclear threat to win the Crisis, as the PRC had yet to gain nuclear power. US policy then became to refuse to acknowledthe PRC and pin her back as much as possible. Also many missile bases were installed, and military bases built in a series of countries surrounding.
  • Tibet uprising

    Dalai Lama escaped on 17th, March to India.
  • Lunshan Conference

    Marshal Peng Dehuai was purged and replaced by Lin Biao
  • Krushchev visited the USA president Eisenhower

    "the communes in China were in essence reactionary institutions without economic incentive"
    later travelled to Peking to meet Mao
  • Khrushchev’s final visit to China

    Khrushchev’s final visit to China
    Khrushchev’s final visit to China
    1959.10.04 Khrushchev left China early and in anger
  • Period: to

    Conference of 7000 cadres: Mao lost prestige and power to Liu

    Liu Shaoqi quoted peasants’ verdict on the Great Famine:
    • “70% man-made disaster, 30% natural disaster.”
    • Liu declared the GLF a major failure
    • “Agricultural output declined in 1959, 1960, 1961 significantly.
    • “Industrial output decline 40% in 1961.
    Liu told Mao in private,
    • “Historically, cannibalism is recorded in official history. And the reigning emperor
    would issue an edict to blame oneself.”
    Zhou tried to exculpate Mao, Lin Biao defended Mao
  • Sino-Indian Border War

    Sino-Indian Border War
    China won small victories but retreated -Nov.21st
    The Soviet Union adopted a “neutral” stance, refused to side with its communist “Comrade + Brother” China
    • The Soviet Union only expressed “regret”
    • à Sino-Soviet split became inevitable
  • Sino-Soviet Union border conflict

    Sino-Soviet Union border conflict
    Damansky Island/Zhenbao Is. 珍寶島衝突 1969.03
  • 9th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

    The Congress formally ratified the political purge of Liu Shaoqi andDeng Xiaoping, and elevated Mao's radical allies formally to power.Lin Biao delivered the keynote political report at the congress. The report lauded the ideology of "continuous revolution," i.e., that the bourgeoisie continues to attempt capitalist restoration after they have been overthrown from power, and that such attempts should be struck down preemptively. Lin's keynote address was strongly applauded by the
  • Liu Shaoqi died

  • Lin Biao: plane crush

    Lin Biao: plane crush
    Mao’s heir apparent Lin Biao fled and died in plane crash
    Allegations of Lin’s coup d'état are unfounded
  • Zhou Enlai died

    Zhou Enlai died
  • Tian'an Men Square mass protest

    Tian'an Men Square mass protest
    Pay homage to Premier Zhou En'lai
    April 7th
    Deng Xiaoping was removed from all his posts "inside and outside the party";
    Hua Guofeng was named first vice-chairman of CCP Central Committee and the premier of the State Council.
  • Mao died

    Mao died
    Soviet Union placed the news on the bottom of page 3 in Izvestia
  • Hua Guofeng ordered to arrest "Gang of Four"

    Hua Guofeng ordered to arrest "Gang of Four"
    Unit 8341
    more and more charges were brought against them.
  • Hua Guofeng was named to succeed Mao

    Hua Guofeng was named to succeed Mao
    still champion the radical program of "learning from Dazhai and Daqing" in agruculture and industry; vague calls with ambitious ten year plan (1978)
  • 3rd Plenum of the 11th Central Committee of the CCP

  • Carter-Deng normalization agreement

    US and China establish full diplomatic relations