Chinese Dynasties DHS Allie

By fels
  • Jan 1, 1271

    Yuan Dynasty

    Yuan Dynasty
    The mongols founded it and the first emperor was Kablai Khan. They had advanges in gun powder and weapons
  • Jan 1, 1279

    Fall of the Song Dynasty

  • Jan 1, 1368

    Fall of the Yuan dynasty

  • Mar 6, 1368

    Rise of the Ming Dynasty

    Rise of the Ming Dynasty
    Ming Taizu or Hangwu was the first emperor of the Ming dynasty. They made harsher penaties for most crimes and offered free land to farmer to settle and farm in the north. Engaged in trade and crafts.
  • Fall of the Ming Dynasty

  • Rise of the Qing Dynasty

    Rise of the Qing Dynasty
    They created the first suspension bridge to make it safer for people to cross. the first emperor was Qin Shi Huang.
  • fall of Sui dynasty

    a rebellion made Sui fall
  • Sui Dynasties

    Sui Dynasties
    The first emperor was Wen. They defeated Northern Qi Dynasty in 577 causeing the rise of the Sui Dynasty. the rebellion made the Sui Dynaty fall. They made a great canel
  • Tang Dyanasty

    Tang Dyanasty
    The Tang Dyanasty was able to have a stronger army than the Sui Dyanasty and defeated them cause the rise of the Tang Dyanasty. A rebellion also caused the fall of the Tang Dyanasty. They inveted the first clock
  • Fall of the Tang Dynasty

    A rebellion made Tang Dyansty fall
  • Song Dynasty

    Song Dynasty
    Ruled from 960 to 1279. They invented the compass and figuring out the ture north and first dynasty to have real paper money and bank notes
  • Period: to

    Chinese Dynasties DHS

    The first emperor was Wen. They defeated Northern Qi Dynasty in 577 causeing the rise of the Sui Dynasty. the rebellion made the Sui Dynaty fall