Pu yi

Chinese Communism

  • Long March

    Uprise in Vienna leads to resignation of Chancellor van Metternich
  • Sun Yixian overthrows Qing dynasty

    He overthrows the Qing Dynasty and creates 3 new principals of people
  • Overthrowing the Last Chinese Emperor

    Overthrowing the Last Chinese Emperor
    Pu Yi couild not keep track of his money and was gentle
  • China Enters WW I

    China begins to dispute with Germany
  • Mao Zedong

    Chairman of Communist Party
  • he peoples republic of china is formed

    Many years passed and Mao Zedang forms the peoples republic of China.
  • Jiang Jieshi defeats Mao's Communists

    Long March: military retreat undertaken by Red Army of Communist Party of China
  • Communist Party Seize Control of China

    Communitsts control China
  • Japan invades China in WW II

    Japan begins to invade China's area
  • Sun Yixian dies

    Jian Jieshi becomes the new ruler after Sun Yixian died