Chinese civi war

  • opium war 1839

    opium war  1839
    Represent the political weakness of China. Or at least the prelude of it, due to the defeat of China against GB(forced to sign un equal treaties)
    Manchu Regime fall and china was divided influenced by American and European and Japan
  • Tapping Rebellion

    Tapping Rebellion
    Movement that lead to the creation of the warlord era, was a religious movement that cause the dead of millions of Chinese citizens by hands of the army. This was a prelude for the warlord era
  • Self strength movement

    Self strength movement
    China at this moment was under the influence of western powers this lead to the self strengths movements in which they try to stop been influence (mostly by GB)by them, but hey fail
  • Sino-Japanese war

    Sino-Japanese war
    During this. Conflict involving Korea and Japan China was defeated and force again to sign n equal treaties with Japan causing them Humiliation
  • Bóxer Rebellion

    Bóxer Rebellion
    Since the opium wars many missionaries had come to china to rise Christianism so during this revolt Chinese people start massacring any foreigner their encounter in order to make a change, the main purpose of this was to rebell against Western powers but due to the lack of preparation this movement was doomed to failure
  • Russo-Japanese war

    Russo-Japanese war
    (Manchuria)As a result of this conflict China have to gave up territory again to Japan as part of a settlement, making them extend their humiliation and deplorable conditions
  • Death of the Manchu and Pu Yi assention to power

    Death of the Manchu and Pu Yi assention to power
    At this point China was very weakened politically this increased when the emperor died and was repack by a two year old Pu Yi
  • double tenth Revolution

    double tenth Revolution
    Due to the lack of efiecneicy of having a baby in power emperor´s brother was set in charge but late removed by Jiang Jieshi who increased taxes
    The revolution began because of government lost control of the military making many provinces independent form Beijing (warlords appear)
  • Sun and the GMD

    Sun and the GMD
    He reformed the party sun´s party into Guomindandg becoming a parliamentary party
    His main goals were to modernize china and had three principles that were the democracy people’s lifleyhood and land redistribution
    He was against imperialism
  • Yuan Shikai double cross

    Yuan Shikai double cross
    He was encomended tto stop thee rebellion but he finally become an ally of Sun Yixian, this alliance lead to the creation of an republic, with Yuan Shikai leading it
  • China first united front

    China first united front
    GMD and CCP work together in order to unify china
    End of the warlord era
    Creation of the united front
  • Death of sun prelude to the civvil war

    Death of sun prelude to the civvil war
    This moment allowed Jiang Jieshi to take over GMD making a doble cross and starting the white terror, woh lead to make a division, The gover,emt GMD vs CCP that were consider the insurgents who lead to the civil war