Chinese flag (beijing)   img 1104

China Timeline

By bw3099
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Boxer Rebellion
    Boxer Rebellion: Northern China drove out the foreigners and re-established their traditonal rule.
  • Qing Dynasty

    Qing Dynasty
    The Qing Dynasty finally collapsed.
    *It was the last Dynasty of China and it started in 1644.
  • Start to the Civil War...

    Start to the Civil War...
    Yuan Shikai's death sends Northern China into the Civil War...
  • Southern China's Government

    Southern China's Government
    Also in 1916, Sun Yasten returned to China to take control of Southern China's Government (KMT)
  • Sun Yasten Dies...

    Sun Yasten Dies...
    Sun Yasten died and Chiang Kaishek took over the southern government (KMT)
  • Japan Invades

    Japan Invades
    Japan invades Northern China!
  • The Sino-Japanese War

    The Sino-Japanese War
    This war was also known as "The Rape of Nanjing" because the Japanese troops raped, tortured, and killed at least 200,000 Chinese Civilians.
  • Japan Surrenders...

    Japan Surrenders...
    The Japansese surrendered in 1945.
  • Tibet

    Tibet became apart of China's Peoples Republic.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    China helped North Korea in the Korean War.
  • "Great Leap Forward"

    "Great Leap Forward"
    Mao launched "The Great Leap Forward."
    *5-year economic plan.
  • Revolt

    Chinese forces contained a large-scale revolt in Tibet.
  • Cultural Revolution

    Cultural Revolution
    *Mao's political campaign that was aimed towards restarting cultural spirits.
  • Richard Nixon

    Richard Nixon
    Richard Nixon, the president of the United States at the time, went to China. The US and China decided that they want to get along.
  • Mao Dies...

    Mao Dies...
    Mao, or also known as Chairman Mao, died of sickness and old age.
  • United States

    United States
    China and the United States established diplomatic relations with eachother.
  • One-Child Policy

    One-Child Policy
    China started a one-child policy to slow down their population growth.
  • Open-Door Policy

    Open-Door Policy
    *It opened China to foreign investment and they started trading with the US.
  • China & Russia

    China & Russia
    China and Russia signed a declaration saying that they would become friendly.
  • Taiwan

    China tested missiles and held their military exercises in Taiwan because they were trying to "intimidate" them during their presidental elections.
  • Religion...

    China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan agreed to cooperate religious tensions in each others' countries.
  • 50th Anniversary

    50th Anniversary
    In 1999, it was the 50th anniversary of China's People's Republic.
  • Collison

    An American spy plane collided with a Chinese fighter jet.
  • World Trade Organization

    World Trade Organization
    China joined the World Trade Organization.