chapter 4 and 5 timeline thingyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

  • 30

    Jesus begins his preaching.

    In about A.D. 30, Jesus began to travel throughout Galilee and Judaea, preaching to people about his ideas. A group of 12 close followers called disciples traveled with Jesus.
  • 30


    everything after this is about christianity..until it tells you its moving onto islam
  • 33

    Romans execute Jesus

    After the Last Supper, one of Jesus's closest followers betrayed him. Leaders in Jerusalem arrested Jesus to prevent trouble from erupting in the city. He was questioned by the Roman governor and sentenced to death. Jesus was crucified.
  • 63

    Romans take over Judah

    The Romans took over Judah, but they allowed Jewish kings to rule it. In A.D. 6 (apparently), Augustus made Judah a Roman province and called it by the Roman name of Judaea. He also replaced the Jewish ruler with a Roman governor, meaning Judaea was more tightly controlled by the Roman Empire. Also Zealots rebelled against Roman rule in A.D. 66. Yay.
  • 64

    Romans outlaw Christianity

    People who thought the Christians were dangerous believed that they should be punished. In A.D. 64, the emperor Nero falsely accused Christians of starting a fire that burned most of Rome. As a result, Christianity was outlawed.
  • 132

    Romans force Jews out of Jerusalem

    After the Zealots rebelled against Roman rule in A.D. 66, there was another attempt in A.D. 132. It failed, and as a result, the Romans forced all Jews to leave Jerusalem. They declared that no Jews could ever return to the city.
  • 312

    Constantine accepts Christianity

    In A.D. 312, the Roman emperor Constantine prepared to lead his military forces into battle. According to some early Christian writers, Constantine had a remarkable dream the night before the battle. The next day after he had his dream, he ordered his soldiers to paint the cross on their battle shields. Constantine and his troops ended up winning the battle and believed the Christian God helped him.
  • 570

    Muhammad is born

    Muhammad was born into a merchant family in Makkah in A.D. 570. He was orphaned at the age of 5 or 6. As a teenager, Muhammad worked as a caravan leader and eventually became a merchant.
  • 622

    Muhamma goes to Madinah

  • 661

    Umayyads establish Damascusas Capital

  • 800

    Baghdad is the center of Islamic culture

  • 900

    al-Razi writes medical texts

  • 1258

    Mongols burn Baghdad