
Chapter 25.2 The Unification of Germany Gladys T., Mona K.

  • Fall of Napoleonic Empire

    Fall of Napoleonic Empire
    Not all German's appreciated Napolean and his changes. As people fought to free their lands from French rule, they began to demand a unified German State. Napoleon's defeat did not solve this issue.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    At the Congress of Vienna, Metternich pointed out that a united Germany would require dismantling the government of each German state. Instead, peacemakers created the German Confederation. This was a weak alliance headed by Austria.
  • Otto rises to power

    Otto rises to power
    Otto von Bismarck wanted to keep France weak and isolated while he created links with Russia and Austria. He was given the title Prime Minister by King William, and eventually became chancellor. He also united German states under Prussian rule.
  • Danish-Prussian War

    Danish-Prussian War
    In 1864, Bismarck formed an alliance with Austria. Prussia and Austria then seized the provinces of Schleswig and Holstein from Denmark. A brief war occured in which Prussia and Austria split the two provinces. Austria was to administer Holstein, and Prussia was to administer Schleswig.
  • Austro-Prussian War

    Austro-Prussian War
    This war lasted seven weeks, and thus, it was titled the Seven Weeks' War. Prussia was the victor and it annexed many other north German states. Prussia also dissolved the Austrian-led German Confederation, and created a new one that was dominated by Prussia. Through it all, Austria remained independent.
  • Franco-Prussian War

    Franco-Prussian War
    In 1870 the Prussians defeated Napleon III. The French Palace of Versailles became the spot where the new German empire was proclaimed. And so, French domination of Europe ended and
    Germany became the new dominant power in Europe.
  • War on Socialism

    War on Socialism
    Bismarck began a campaign against the socialists in 1870.
  • Birth of German Empire

    Birth of German Empire
    The German Empire came to be when the Germans were victorious over France. Bismarck, the ruler of this new empire,drafted a constitution. But, the real power remained in the hands of the King and his Chancellor. Bismarck then chose to pursue several foreign-policy goals.
  • Destroying the Catholic Church

    Destroying the Catholic Church
    In 1874 Bismarck attempted to crush the Catholic Church. He eventually decided to start a campaign against it.
  • The End of Bismarck

    The End of Bismarck
    In the year 1890, King Wiliam II asked Bismarck to resign. The reason behind this, was that he was the only master of the empire. In fact, William II believed that he had the divine right to rule.