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Chapter 25.2 the unification of germany

  • Bismarck's rise to power

    Bismarck's rise to power
    William I became king of prussia and appointed Otto Von Bismarck to head of prussian Cabinent. Bismarck opposed Democracy and went against the Constitution. Bismarck had todrive Austria from its postion of leadership and overcome Austria's influence over southern German states, He did these in three wars.
  • The Danish War

    The Danish War
    Prussia and Austria demanded that the Danish Constitution be revoked. Denmark refused and they declared war. After 3 months of fighting Denmark surrendered. The peace treaty gave the 2 duchies to Austria and Prussia Jointly.
  • Seven Weeks' War

    Seven Weeks' War
    Bismarck provoked Austria into declaring war on Prussia. The Prussians took advantage of technology and defeated the Austrians in 7 weeks which startled the whole world. The made the Treaty of Praque which dissolved German confideration and Austria surrendered Holstein to Prussia and Italy gained Venetia.
  • The Franco-Prussian War

    The Franco-Prussian War
    All that Bismarck had to do to complete the unification of Germany was to make southern Germany join the north German Confideration. Bismarck edited a telegram sounded as they were insulting the french ambassador, it was published and the French declared war on prussia. The prussians with the help of southern Germ,any defeated the French in a few months. Much of France was Occupied by Germany.
  • Formation of German Empire

    Formation of German Empire
    On January 18, 1871, represantives of the allied German States met in the Hall of Mirrors at the Palace of Versailles. They declared the formation of the German Empire. The Prussian Capital of Berlin became the empires capital.King Willliam I was the Emperor. Bismarck accepted a constitution that united the 25 German states in a federal form of government.