
Chapter 23 Sections 1 & 2

  • Period: to

    Napolean Annexes land

    Napolean Annexes land along the Rhine River. During this time Napolean disrupted the Holy Roman Empire and organized the German States. Not all citizens agreed with the annexing of these lands.
  • Meeting at Frankfort Assembly

    Meeting at Frankfort Assembly
    The members at the meeting demanded a united Germany. They offered the tr\hrown to Fredrick Willaiams the fourth of Prussia but he rejected.
  • Period: to

    Company and Railroad boom

    Large Companies and Railroads flourish in this decade,
  • Bismark attacks Austria

    Bismark attacks Austria
    Bismark attacks Austria for virtually no reason. The war lasted seven weeks. Prussia wins the war and annexes several northern states.
  • Peace Treaty

    Peace Treaty
    Peace of Prague is signed ending franco-prussian war.
  • Franco-Prussian War

    Franco-Prussian War
    France vs. Prussia. France surrendors within a few weeks.
  • German Population is 41 million

    German Population is 41 million
    German population is 67 million in 1914.
  • Second Empire is born

    Second Empire is born
    Germany is unified! Princes gather at Versailles.
  • Bismarck moves against church

    Bismarck moves against church
    Bismarck believes the church has too much power.
  • Otto Von Bismark becomes Chancellor

    Otto Von Bismark becomes Chancellor
    He becomes Chancellor and united Germany within ten years. He also built a stronger army. He later led them into three wars.
  • House of Krupp Explodes

    House of Krupp Explodes
    Family owned steel company expands and fourishes after Franco-Prussian war. This company will later supply Adolf Hitler's army,
  • Period: to

    House of Krupp employs thousands

    House of Krupp employs over 50,000 workers.
  • Economic Crash

    Economic Crash
    Stock market crashes. Whole world is in depression
  • Dual Alliance

    Dual Alliance
    Alliance is formed between Germany and Austria Hungary.
  • German Health insurance

    German Health insurance
    Health insurance is now available to Germans
  • Bismarck Resigns

    Bismarck Resigns
    After nearly twenty years Bismark resigns.
  • Bismarck dies

    Bismarck dies
    Bismarck dies and leaves a legacy.
  • More seats for Democrats

    More seats for Democrats
    Democratic party wins more seats in office. Led by Fredrich Ebert.
  • 1914 German Population

    1914 German Population
    German population reaches 67 million
  • Period: to

    German Emperor

    William I is the emperor of Germany