Chapter 13 timeline

  • Mexico gains independence from Spain

    On August 24, 1821, representatives of the Spanish crown, including the new viceroy Juan O'Donojú and Iturbide signed the Treaty of Córdoba, which recognized Mexican independence under the Plan of Iguala.
  • Americans are defeated at the Alamo

    On April 21, 1836, Sam Houston and some 800 Texans defeated Santa Anna's Mexican force of 1,500 men at San Jacinto , shouting “Remember the Alamo!” as they attacked.
  • John Tyler becomes president

    was the tenth president of the United States from 1841 to 1845 after briefly serving as the tenth vice president in 1841; he was elected to the latter office on the 1840 Whig ticket with President William Henry Harrison.
  • Americans and British agree to the Webster-Ashburton Treaty

    The Webster–Ashburton Treaty, signed August 9, 1842, was a treaty that resolved several border issues between the United States and the British North American colonies
  • United States annexes Texas

    The Texas annexation was the 1845 annexation of the Republic of Texas into the United States of America, which was admitted to the Union as the 28th state on December 29, 1845.
  • mexican-american war begins

    On April 25, 1846, Mexican cavalry attacked a group of U.S. soldiers in the disputed zone under the command of General Zachary Taylor, killing about a dozen.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ends the Mexican-American War

    The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, signed on February 2, 1848, ended the Mexican-American War in favor of the United States
  • With the Gadsen Purchase, the United States acquires an additional 30,000 square miles from mexico

    Ultimately, Gadsden reached an agreement with Mexico to purchase about 30,000 square miles for $10 million. The treaty between the United States and Mexico was signed by James Gadsden on December 30, 1853, in Mexico City. And the treaty was ratified by the U.S. Senate in June 1854.