
"Causes of the first period of the Chinese civil war"

  • taiping rebellion

    taiping rebellion
    religious and political movement. the incvolvement of regional armies began the move away from centralized control, which would result in the warlord era. in the 1920s
  • economic and socioeconimic isssues

    economic and socioeconimic isssues
    most of the population were peasants and they had the obligation of paying taxes ,most of them were poor.there was unemplohment hence to the improved technology and cheap western imports
  • political weakness and foreign powers

    political weakness and foreign powers
    britain had defeated china in the opium wars, hence to that the chinese empire was carved up to into spheres of influence by the europeans,americans and japan.
    imperialist had power over china
  • the overthrow of the manchu dynasty and the tenth revlution

    the overthrow of the manchu dynasty and the tenth revlution
    china sloud be democratic and westernized.
    the ruling dynasty was overthronwn in the tenth revolution.
  • chinese republic

    chinese republic
    in an attempt to seize the political initiative, delegates from the independent provinces h¿gathered in nanjing to declare the cretion of a chinese republic
  • presidence

    sun yixian agreed for yuan shikai to be president of the new republic in exchange for the end of the manchu rule in china
  • the rule of yuan shikai

    the rule of yuan shikai
    yua ruled china as a military dictator from 1912until 1915. regionalism continued under yuans rule and became the became the obstacle to a united china
    (suns party :GMD)
    it is argued that sun agreed to yuan shikai rule in order to avert the possibility of china descending into civil war
  • the may fourth movement

    the may fourth movement
    students led a mass demonstration in beijing against the warlord, traditional chinese culture and the mass demonstration in beijing against the warlords, the traditional Chinese culture and the japanese

  • warlords

    with the abdication and death of yuan,china broke up into small states and provinces each controlled by a warlord and his private army.
    the warlords led to an increase of nationalism