Causes of the Chinese Civil War

  • Chinese Context

    Chinese Context
    With the Qing dynasty ruling and the majority of the people being peasasnts. China need a change from the nucleus because the majority of the population were poor and were high levels of unemployment.
  • Qing dynasty fall

    Qing dynasty fall
    Since 1644, Qing Dynasty control China, but then, with PU YI, at a very low age as the ruler of the country. the dynasty broke and some Chinese provinces starte declaring independent.
  • Sun Yat-Sen

    Sun Yat-Sen
    He was the founder of the Republic of China, and from the Guomindang (GMD) based on three principles, Nationalism, Democracy and People´s livelihood. Then he was provisional president of the Republic of China.
  • Warlord Era

    Warlord Era
    The government in Beijing collapse, Yuan Shikai dead and there were now own governments called warlords
  • May Fouth Movement

    May Fouth Movement
    Movement were mainly students demanded the restoration of Chinese independence and sovereignity. 4th May 1919 thousands of students rallied in Beijing to protest against China’s treatment in the Treaty of Versailles
  • Creation of CCP

    Creation of CCP
    Was founded as a political party and a revolutionary movement with main members like Mao Zeodong, Liu Shaoqi and Li Lisan
  • First United Front

    First United Front
    It was an alliance made by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Guomindang (GMD) for defeating the Warolrds
  • Separation of GMD and CCP

    Separation of GMD and CCP
    After the warlords were defeated, GMD and CCP had no more common interests to achieve together, so that and their ideologies make their alliance colapse.
  • Northern Expedition

    Northern Expedition
    GMD military campaign in China to extend the power to the North, lead by Chiang Kai-shek and acquiring territory like Shangai, Nanjing and Beijing.
  • Shangai Massacre

    Shangai Massacre
    Military forces of Chiang Kai-Shek, from GMD supressed in a violent way the CCP organizations, in Shangai. This events mark the start of Chinese Civil War.