Catholic Church Outline

  • Captain Cook

    Captain Cook
    Explores Australia's east coast
  • First Fleet

    First Fleet
    Arrives at Sdyney Cove
  • First Public Mass

    First Public Mass
    presented by Fr. Dixon
  • Therry and Conolly,

    Therry and Conolly,
    the first official priests arrive
  • Constrution

    of the first Catholic church in Tasmania
  • Bede Polding

    Bede Polding
    becomes Australia's first Catholic Bishop
  • New Zealand

    New Zealand
    becomes a British colony
  • James Alepius Goold

    James Alepius Goold
    becomes first Catholic bishop of Melbourne
  • Mary McKillop and Fr. Julian Tenison Woods

    found the Sisters of St. Joseph
  • Dr. George Pell

    Dr. George Pell
    is appointed as Archbishop of Melbourne