Cambodia Timeline

  • World War II

    World War II was going on. The Nazi's overpowered France. Even though the French did not have alot of power they still ruled Cambodia.
  • Electing Cambodia's New King

    The French people, who have been ruling Cambodia for 80 years, crowned a 19 year-old boy king. They made him the king because he would be easy to manipulate.
  • Everything Bringing Drama

    Japan took notice to the weakness of the French people, they dissloved the French colonial administration. At this time Germany was about to collapse as the French people were gaining control of their own country.
  • The King Declareing Freedom

    The young king of Cambodia declared freedom from the French people. This was risky because the French people could easisly replace him as king.
  • France Reclaiming Cambodia

    Japan surrendered to the United States after we atomic bombed them. Another Thing is the French people started to reclaim Cambodia.
  • Khmer Rouge

    Kampuchea, the Communist Party is created and growing in oppose to the King. They don't like what he is doing and the created a group to ahow that. The people who aggree with the king call the group the
  • Making the Armed Rebellion

    The leaders of the group opposing the king called the Khmer Rouge left their homebase in Phnom Penh and started up an Armed Rebellion.
  • The Kyhmer Rouge Taking Power Back

    After recentally leaving Phnom Penh, the Khmer Rouge took hold of Phnom Penh again. They took hold of Phnom Penh and started ruling. They killed anyone who obligated to their rules.
  • Transforming a Highschool

    The leaders of the Khmer Rouge transformed a highschool into a place where "traitors" would go. Few people ever lived through that school, and they killed many people.
  • Human Rights Violater

    The president of the United States, Jimmy Carter) declared that Khmer Rouge was the "worst human rights violater" in the world.
  • Khmer Rouge's Fall

    The Vietnamese forces take the capial of Cambodia (Phnom Penh) and this leads to the Khymr Rouge to fall. Although Pol Pot countined to ruled the Kyhmr Rouge as an insurgent movement, until that ended in 1997.
  • PRK

    With help of the Vietnamese and after the fall of the Kyhmr Rouge, we made the People’s Republic of Kampuchea.
  • The Failed Attempt

    After the Paris Confence on Cambodia the Vietnamese people left Cambodia. Upon them leaving, the Khymr Rouge tried to regain power.
  • The Peace Agreement

    The Paris Peace Agreement is made and has everyone envlolved in Cambodia sign it. Even though the Kyhmr Rouge signed it they didn't follow it.
  • Outlaw

    The Cambodia National Assembly outlaws the Kyhmr Rouge.
  • Pol Pot

    Pol Pot was arrested and he was put on house arrest.
  • Pol Pot's Death

    Nuon Chea surrenders to Cambodia after Pol Pot dies.
  • Ta Mok Arrested

    The person who arrested Pol Pot was later arrested because he was a Butcher when the Khymr Rouge was in power.
  • S-21 Prison Duch Arrested

    This man, Kaing Guek Eav was a prison cheif at the S-21 Prison. He was arrested.
  • Ke Pauk's Death

    A former Khmer Rouge commander named Ke Pauk dies on this date.
  • Again Speaking

    The Cambodia and United Nations begin to resume talking about all the crimes against humanity during the Khymr Rouge trials.
  • Ta Mok's Death

    Ta Mok dies and goes without a trial.
  • Nuon Chea's Arrested

    Nuon Chea another one of the four Khmer Rouge leaders is arrested. They charge him with crimes against humanity.
  • Duch's Arrest

    The Duch is arrested and he is to be in jail for 35 years and is charged with crimes against humanity.
  • Four Senior Members go on Trial

    Four senior members of the Khymr Rouge are put on trial. On of them inclueding "Brother Number 2" or known as Nuon Chea.