Cambodia 1

Cambodia Timeline

  • Protectorate of France

    Protectorate of France
    Cambodia becomes a protectorate of France. This colonial rule lasts for 90 years.
  • World War II

    World War II
    World War II occurs during which time the Japanese occupy Cambodia. Prince Norodom Sihanouk becomes king.
  • Japanese Occupation

    Japanese Occupation
    The Japanese occupation of Cambodia ends.
  • France re-imposes its protectorate

    France re-imposes its protectorate
    France re-imposes its protectorate. A new constitution permits Cambodians to form political parties. Communist guerrillas begin an armed campaign against the French.
  • Cambodia Independance

    Cambodia Independance
    Cambodia declares independence and becomes the Kingdom of Cambodia.
  • Relations end with the USA

    Relations end with the USA
    Sihanouk (Head of State) ends relations with the United States. There is an US-backed government in South Vietnam, which leads the North Vietnamese guerrillas to build a base in Cambodia to campaign against this.
  • USA secret bombing

    USA secret bombing
    The US begins a secret bombing campaign against North Vietnamese forces on Cambodian soil.
  • Lon Nol overthrew the monarchy

    Lon Nol overthrew the monarchy
    Prime Minister Lon Nol overthrew the monarchy under Prince Norodom Sihanouk. He proclaims the Khmer Republic and sends the army to fight the North Vietnamese in Cambodia. Sihanouk who is in exile in China forms a guerrilla movement. The Cambodian army loses territory against the North Vietnamese and communist Khmer Rouge guerrillas.
  • Year Zero

    Year Zero
    Lon Nol is overthrown as the Khmer Rouge led by Pol Pot occupies Phnom Penh. The Khmer Rouge is a communist organization who wanted to reconstruct Cambodia. Sihanouk briefly becomes head of state. Citizens living in the city become agricultural workers in the countryside. Money becomes worthless, basic freedoms are curtailed and religion is banned. The Khmer Rouge calls this, "Year Zero." Thousands of the educated middle-class citizens are tortured and executed. Death toll is about 1.7 million.
  • Pol Pot is prime minister

    Pol Pot is prime minister
    The country is re-named Democratic Kampuchea. Sihanouk resigns, Khieu Samphan becomes head of state, Pol Pot is prime minister.
  • Fight with Vietman

    Fight with Vietman
    Fighting breaks out with Vietnam.
  • Heng Samrin is president

    Heng Samrin is president
    Vietnam forced Pol Pot to flee and replaced the Khmer Rouge with a government led by Heng Samrin as president.
  • Vietnamese take Phnom Penh

    Vietnamese take Phnom Penh
    The Vietnamese take Phnom Penh. Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge forces flee to the border region with Thailand. The People's Republic of Kampuchea is established. Many traditional and nationalist life styles before the Khmer Rouge take-over are re-established.
  • Kampuchean People's Revolutionary Party wins parliamentary elections

    Kampuchean People's Revolutionary Party wins parliamentary elections
    The pro-Vietnamese Kampuchean People's Revolutionary Party wins parliamentary elections. However, the international community does not recognize this as a new government.
  • Hun Sen becomes prime minister

    Hun Sen becomes prime minister
    Hun Sen becomes prime minister. Cambodia is plagued by guerrilla warfare. Thousands of citizens become refugees. There were three guerrilla groups known as the Khmer Rouge, Khmer People's National Liberation Front, and Sihanouk's National United Front who all opposed to the Hun Sen government.
  • Vietnamese troops withdraw

    Vietnamese troops withdraw
    Vietnamese troops withdraw. Hun Sen abandons socialism in the hopes of attracting foreign investment. The country is re-named the State of Cambodia. Buddhism is re-established as the state religion.
  • Peace agreement

    Peace agreement
    A peace agreement is signed in Paris. Power is now also being shared with factions of Cambodia through the United Nations. Sihanouk becomes head of state. The United Nations sent 26,000 peacekeepers, police, and civilians to run the administration and organize elections.
  • Khmer Rouge resumed its civil war

    Khmer Rouge resumed its civil war
    UN peacekeepers left after the elections and the Khmer Rouge resumed its civil war. Thousands of rebel soldiers had defected to the government, leaving only Pol Pot and a few other leaders in hiding with a couple thousand guerrillas.
  • Khmer rebels surrendered

    Khmer rebels surrendered
    The remaining Khmer rebels surrendered after their leaders had died or been captured.
  • Conflict with Thailand

    Conflict with Thailand
    A major conflict with Thailand occurs, as Thailand believes that the Angkor Wat temple was stolen from them. This leads to angry Cambodian citizens attacking the Thai embassy. Cambodian People’s Party lead by Hun Sen wins the election. July 2003, Hun Sen's Cambodian People's Party (CPP) won general elections, but it failed to win the majority required to govern alone. A year of political deadlock followed.