
  • Gaining Independence from France

    Cambodia gained independence November 9 1953. King Norodom Sihanouk declared independence.
  • Sihanouk Career

    Sihanouk pursues a political career. His father becomes king and Sihanouk becomes prime minister.
  • Norodom Suramarit dies

    Sihanouk's father dies, Norodom Suramarit. Sihanouk becomes head of state.
  • Border Closed

    Berlin Border closed.
  • Cambodia breaks away

    Cambodia breaks away relations from the USA.
  • US bombs Cambodia

    The US begins a secret bombing campaign against North Vietnamese forces in Cambodia.
  • Captured Phnom Penh

    Communist Guerrillas Khmer Rouge capture Phnom Penh
  • Vietnam and Cambodia war

    A fight brakes between Cambodia and Vietnam.
  • Sihanouk resigns

    The country is re-named Democratic Kampuchea. Sihanouk resigns, Khieu Samphan becomes head of state, Pol Pot becomes prime minister.
  • Declaration by President Carter

    President Carter declares that Khmer Rouge “the worst violator of human rights in the world.” quoted President Carter.
  • Family moves to the jungle

    Eang and his family move to the jungle.
  • Prison Bound

    Eang sent to prison camp near Thailand border.
  • Government Formed

    Khmer Rouge and Prince Sihanouk form exiled government
  • Vietnam finally leaves

    Vietnam officially withdrew Cambodia
  • Paris Peace Agreement

    An agreement was signed by four Cambodian men including Khmer Rouge, who is not very happy about it.
  • Thousands Surrender

    Thousands of Khmer Rouge guerrillas surrender in government amnesty.
  • Cambodia and Vietnam

    Clashes broke out between Cambodia and Vietnam. Many people were killed and many were sent to fight.
  • Pol Pot arrested

    Pol Pot was arrested and got house arrest as his punishment.
  • Pol Pot dies

    Pol Pot dies in his jungle hideout.
  • Ta Mok arrested

    Ta Mok put Pol Pot in house arrest originally and now he himself was arrested.
  • Two leaders charged

    Two Khmer Rouge leaders were arrested and charged with genocide; they have yet to come to trial.
  • Mekong river bridge

    First bridge across the Mekong River opens, linking east and west Cambodia.
  • Duch's convection

    Duch is sentenced to 35 years in jail for crimes against humanity.
  • Dutch losses appeal

    Duch loses appeal against conviction at UN-backed tribunal and has sentence increased to life.
  • 30 years in power

    This is Prime Minister Hun Sen 30th year in power.