Irish woman immigrant

Bridget's Life As A Irish Immigrant

  • Bridget's Birthday

    I was born Febuary 7th, 1890 on monday at 9:37 am. It has been 40 years since immigration started. I was born in Ireland.
  • Special Ocassions

    My mothers funeral was today. In about two weeks my husband, two kids, and I are going to be immigrating to Ellis Island, I can't wait to see all the things there and meet new people.
  • Getting To Ellis Island

    Today I'm getting off the ship from Ireland and I can't believe I got to see what the Americans call the Statue of Liberty. Also I have already met a friend her name is Alisha. Another thing is some guy came up to my husband and I a job. I work in a sewing factory and my husband works on building skyscrapers and things.
  • My tradgedy

    Today my husband and I are going to work while my friend Alisha helps baby sit my kids.
    (10:30 a.m.) while I was at work I got a call that my husband fell off a steel beam and died, so my boss let me go home early. I wish that wouldn't have happened to him.