Brian's Technology Timeline

  • Computer

    I'm not sure of the time because I was very young, one of my earliest memories was of making ASCII art in Word. I copy/pasted a crude picture of a rocket a few hundred times. When I tried to save it, it didn't work because there wasn't enough hard drive space. For a text file.
  • Gameboy

    My first experience with videogames was with my sister's old grey brick Gameboy that she gave to me. I was never able to get past the first enemy in Prince of Persia. It had one of those magnifiers with a built in light that attatched to it.
  • MP3 Player

    I'm not sure the axact year, but I got my first MP3 player for christmas one year around this time.
  • Facebook

    I was forced to sign up to Facebook for a project in high school. I have only ever used it for required school stuff.
  • Laptop

    This is around when I got my laptop.
  • Cell Phone

    I got my cell phone the summer before college.