Berlin Wall Timeline

  • World War 2 is over.

    World War 2 is over.
    Berlin's divided into 4 sectors. American, Brittish, French, and Soviet.
  • Period: to


  • Line safeguarded.

    Line safeguarded.
    At the instagation the soviet milatary administration the demartation line in between East and West Germany was safeguarded.
  • Currency Reform

    Currency Reform
    Currency reform in Berlin, Berlin is divided into two currency zones.
  • Berlin Blocade.

    Berlin Blocade.
    Beginning of the Berlin blocade.
  • Berlin Airlift.

    Berlin Airlift.
    The beginning of the Berlin Airlift.
  • EOBB

    End of the Berline blocade.
  • EOBA

    Ending of the Berlin Airlift.
  • Leaving East

    Leaving East
    Leaving East Germany without permission is forbidden.
  • Hey JFK!

    Hey JFK!
    President John F Kennedy visits Berlin! And claims "Ich bin ein Berliner" meaning I am a Berliner.
  • Hey East Berlin!

    Hey East Berlin!
    West Berlin may visit East Berlin now.
  • Opening!

    The Berlin Wall's Opend finally.
  • Reuniting!

    Germany is reunited.(: