Be a better sportsman

  • Start working out

    At starting school, we are very excited to be on sports. Every first step to be in the sport is to start work out. We should give a good training and a good start.
  • Star training

    The first. They of training may be hard , but when you are older you can be a leader and mature. But when you are young you should respect and
    Show the talent you got inside.
  • Go to every training

  • Not fail any class

  • Go to every training

    To show your talent you should assist to all the trains. When you got to very train you show that you are a valuable player that can go to the games for showing attendance.
  • No fail any class

    To be on soccer, banquet, volley and etc. You need to have successful grade to not be out of the team . Because if you do not take care of conduct and grades . Sorry, but you are out!