
australia as a global citizen

By yeman
  • the UN

    created the UN orginal 6 key organs,was involved in creating the UN charter
  • prime minister chifley

    prime minister chiffley announces the end of WW2
  • UN

    UN officailly born
  • The UN

    australia becomes a member of the UN

    UNESCO comes into force

    evatt begin presides of the general assembly
  • Evatt

    evatt presided over the general assembly session at which members passed the univeral declaration of human rights
  • korean war

    the korean war begins
  • convention

    convention on the elements of all forms racial discrimination
  • convention on elements

    convention on elements of all forms of discrimination against women
  • australia response

    australia responded to the UN request for it to establish and lead a multinational peacekeeping force in timor-leste