4 provinces australie

Australia (Agathe Léandre)

  • Captain Cook and british settlers arrived in Australia

    Captain Cook and british settlers arrived in Australia
    Captain James Cook, in the HMS Endeavour,and British settlers discovered Australia and declared it is a British colony
  • First colony built in Sydney Cove

    First colony built in Sydney Cove
  • First free settlers arrived in Australia

    First free settlers arrived in Australia
    Women came with their children in Australia to join their husband and live there.
  • New colony set up on Tasmania

    New colony set up on Tasmania
  • Half of the population in Australia have been born there

    From the colonisation of the land of Australia to this time, people have been born and lived there.
  • new province: Victoria

    new province: Victoria
  • "Self-government" in some provinces

    From now on, four of the five provinces are self governing but they are still in British Empire
  • Queensland have been created

    Queensland have been created
  • gold discovered in Australia

  • Australian Federation Convention

  • The six territorries are "self-governing"